
Not sure how they’ll get iron Fist and Power Man in there but, hey it’s comic books. Anything goes.

Was anyone else expecting Iron Spider to show up? I half expected it to show up in the end. It’ll probably never happen since Civil War came and went already.

This is too funny.

It’s sad that they cancelled it. It was a very good original show. I’m a little glad though that this is how it’s ending. I’d rather have a complete series than one that keeps going and going until it jumps the shark we just don’t care about it any more. It’s not quite the ending that Breaking Bad had but, it’s at

Analyzing this movie is an exercise in madness.

The only I had going for this film was Phil Lord and Chris Miller. I’ve liked much of what they’ve done regardless of what it was. I felt that any movie put into their hands would be pure gold. Upon their departure I’m extremely skeptical.

Yes, it does fit into the main DC universe. Lex Luthor has shown up in China and Kong Kenan has traveled to Metropolis and had Hijinks with Superman. Kong Kenan has shown up in Superman titles also. I don’t think they’ve encountered Batman yet. A lot’s happened. As for TL:DR to catch up? Man, if you can find anywhere

I’ve been reading this for a while and it’s quite good. I really like the characters especially Kong Kenan. He’s more like Tony Stark than Clark Kent and a much more fun loving character than either. Kind of disappointed that they took so long to get to Deilan’s back story. She has all this power and nobody asks why

I hope they could at least create a final season to finish the story instead of finishing it right in the middle of a story line. One thing I liked about 13 Reasons Why is that it ended, it had a complete story. I get annoyed by shows that look like they are going somewhere but, never actually get there. At least with

I never realized how tall Lynda Carter was until she stood next to Gal Gadot.

I came here to say the something similar. “...Justice League is worse than Avengers.” really isn’t saying much is it? I’ve enjoyed the shit out of a lot of movies that were “worse” than Avengers.

See them live if you can. They’re shows are a real party.

Will Phil Lord and Christopher Miller be coming back to write it? I thought they were the real stars of the last one. Not to trivialize the efforts of everybody else on that project but, their writing is something else.

You might be on to something. I’m not going to say one was better than the other but, Gambon did get a bit more meat to chew on than Harris did.

Villains fighting among themselves makes more sense than heroes fighting among themselves. This should be the reality of super hero comics.

What does he mean by, “you won’t care.”?

Would Mandy Moore actually know abou that? Ask John Lassiter. If anyone knows about crazy theories it would be him. Although, I can see him acting like it’s true but, trying to hide it just to fuck with people.

If this is the best thing to come out of this movie it still be well worth it.

Of course he does. It’s completely in canon and not a plot device at all.