
They should kill off Jane foster with the the female Thor story line. Have her get cancer, pick up the Mjolnir, and turn into Thor. They should even get Keira Knightly to play Thor. Then at the end of the story she actually dies which she hasn’t done yet in the books.

I kind of feel like Iron Fist is the fifth season of a long running TV show. Dare Devil being seasons 1 and 3, Jessica Jones being season 2 and Luke Cage being season 4. Defenders will be like season 6. So I wouldn’t be surprised if Iron Fist is that Season where everyone phones it in because they know the fans of the

It’s kind of interesting that this article comes up as I’m binge watching the series. Watching it from beginning in it’s entirety I found certain things amazing.

You had me at not Michael Bay.

I saw this movie. I’m surprised how much I enjoyed it. It’s got a lot of pop and cuteness but, they balanced it with enough morbid dark humor to make it palatable. And they worked in Gorillaz so there’s that.

Is there a Turing Test for animals?

Kinda, except more of a tragedy. Shrek at least had a happy ending.


... or play on the name Beauty and the Beast where the woman is both the Beauty and the Beast. She falls in love with the Beast precisely because he’s a beast and not in spite of it. Then she gets really disappointed when he turns human. This could be a commentary on the original cartoon.

Am I the only who thinks ScarJo is not quite right for this movie and not just because she’s white? She works well as Black Widow because Black Widow is a spy you don’t suspect. She looks like a relatively average, albeit fairly attractive, woman but not a woman you would expect to beat the shit out of anyone.

Somebody needs to do a deconstruction of Beauty and the Beast by having the beast be something truly horrific like a xenomorph from Alien.

Gavin Belson (Matt Ross) directs Batman huh. I’d actually like to see that.

I liked her as Commissioner Gordon in Batman Beyond. Or at least I liked the idea of it. Batman Beyond had some great premises but, sometimes disappointed in execution.

“Ancient Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.” Spock, Star Trek VI: The Undescovered Country.

I have been wondering about Bruce Wayne’s extended family lately. I mean he is supposed to be the latest generation of a long line of Waynes that has lived in Gotham. There has got to be an extended family out there somewhere, right? And that’s just Gotham what about the old country wherever the Waynes came from,

“The world belongs to the entitled, who somehow not only avoid blame, but avoid being included in the proverbs.” This isn’t a bad quote either.

That was the one thing that kind of bothered be about Ankh Morpork stories. The Patrician was just to good at what he did.

I want to see this movie. Even if it never makes any sense to me.

I’m usually pretty tolerant when it comes to bad movies and TV shows. I can usually enjoy most on some level. I liked Voyager, the new Battlestar Galactica, and enjoyed Heroes for the most part. I acknowledge these weren’t the greatest TV shows but, I enjoyed them in spite of it.

Mike Shannon makes everything terrifying... and I mean that in a good way.