
This headline is a spoiler.

If I could travel through time I wouldn’t be running for president.

I guess the recession is over and all those homeless and jobless people have found homes and well paying jobs because for some reason legislatures thought that using the proper bathroom was a high priority instead.

Narrator of the video game God of War.

As a fan of both comic books and movies equally I have to disagree. The uniforms did work for the sake of the story and the medium and just don't think that yellow spandex would go over very well. However, I would agree however if someone were to post concept art showing faithful renditions of the comic costumes as

I’ve heard American accents are quite vague making them easier to fake. I had no idea Hugh Lorie was English for a very long time. So for the moment he had me convinced. Cumberbatch on the other hand, had established himself pretty well with his English accent so it seems kind of off to me.

I don’t like Cumberbach’s American accent. At least not as much as his English accent. His American accent lacks the lower richer tones of his voice for some reason. I pictured Cumberbach playing Strange I thought he’d have his English accent.

I have seen it. It is quite good and a prime example of what I'm talking about.

I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Paul Dini and Bruce Timm should be making DC live action movies. They know how to do justice to the source material and they know how to add to the source material in the way they created Harley Quinn and Batman Beyond. Warner Bros. should just fill a dump truck full of money and

“When history’s first filmmakers ran film through a camera at 24 frames per second, they weren’t concerned with story. They were just wowed by what they’d achieved, which was considerable. Hardcore Henry, history’s first first person POV action movie, feels like that. It’s groundbreaking and visually impressive, but…”

That actually makes sense.

I was really hoping it would be Samuel L. Jackson. Although I don’t remember if he died at all but, either way I want him back too.

I am so confused. How exactly does The Vision arrive at destroying all humanity from his failed experiment? It seems that is the go to solution for every character in comic books that has an existential crisis.

It’s obviously fake but, I so want it to be real. That’s the interesting thing about lies, we want them to be real which is why they are told in the first place.

It wasn’t great but, if that’s the worst that Pixar can do they’re going to be alright. Especially considering that Inside Out came out the same year.

Gasoline doesn’t just fly out of the ground and jump into your car fully formed. 4.5 KWh per gallon. That’s how much energy it takes to refine a gallon of gasoline. If you have ever driven an electric car you’d know that 4.5 KWh of electricity could recharge your car enough to cover the distance a gallon of gasoline

All other reasons are valid and none are mutually exclusive but, I think her age may have something to do with it. She’s a 25 year old adult coming to terms with her career path. She sounds like me at that point in my career. And who really knows, they may have offered her roles in other movies. Movies where she gets

(spoiler alert) It makes sense to me. It sets up the scene in the end when Batman visits Luthor in jail. Maybe it isn’t absolutely necessary but, it lays the responsibility for the events for Justice League squarely on Luthor’s shoulders.

I tried watching Percy Jackson but, from the beginning it felt like a by the numbers rip off of Harry Potter like it was trying real hard to be an American version of Harry Potter. I like many of the actors in this movie but, it felt like they were well too aware of this fact.

I’m wondering which Jessica Jones will show up in the comic, the one from the Alias comic or the TV show. They are both cool and I would love to see a comic with either one but, they are not exactly the same. Alias felt gritty without being extremely dark. There were lots of slice of life moments where Jessica is