
Why is it that every time the subject of predicting a crime comes it always leads to the conclusion that the would be criminal should be punished? Why don’t people pull them aside and say, “We know what you are going to do and we just want you to not do it.” Maybe buy them a beer or hot meal or something like that. We

As I understand it the replicator is based on the transporter not the other way around. The transporter came first and the writers assumed that if the transporter is possible then a replicator should also be possible. In a transporter you take matter convert it to energy, beam the energy some place you need, then

When ever discussing teleportation you have to remember that it was a plot device on Star Trek. Originally they were supposed to arrive on the planet via shuttle craft. The company that was building the sets was behind schedule so they had to start shooting without the sets. They came up with the teleportation beam to

If Harrison Ford is in it they should acknowledge his age. I think the problem with Crystal Skull was that they tried to shoe horn an old actor into a young character. Make him older and change his costume to suit. Make him more like Brody.

That's not a question. It will make me sick.

The big myth that wasn’t tackled by this article is: intelligence = human intelligence. One thing we’ve learned from computers is that machines think completely differently from humans and it has nothing to do with how smart they are. And that’s where they are useful. AI like Google and Roomba don’t need to think like

i always wanted to see Brian Cranston play Jim Gordon.

That mockumentary is hysterical.

This article should retitled “How Not to get Annoyed at a Party When you Don’t Drink”. I thought this article would show me how to enjoy a party when I am not drunk. Instead it just talks about how to avoid the conversation about why I don’t drink. It still doesn’t sound like fun going to a party where everybody is

X-Men Origins: Wolverine had a lot of issues but, Liev Shreiber wasn’t one of them. If we can get writers who know better than to sow Deadpool’s mouth shut I think he would be good in Wolverine 3.

I have to agree with most of the comments, although I am not going to be as drastic, the score left a lot to be desired. I’m not going to say anything John Williams does sucks, I just can’t bring my self to do it. However, the score for the prequels was far superior to episode 7. Music is a gigantic part of why I like

I’m actually a little excited to see this movie. Does this make me a horrible human being?

It seems Captain America: Civil War could also be called Avengers 2.5. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

There is definitely something wrong with TSUUDB. It shouldn’t take 2200 miles to get over an ex. In the case of roommate who sounds very dangerous in general I, being a third non-involved party, would want to keep a healthy distance from her.

Sure. Why not? In the hands of good writer you could make that work.

I have the opposite reaction to Arya. I liked her originally and I still like her as a character but, I just don’t like the direction her story is going. It’s like GRRM intentionally gave them mirroring story lines.

At long last my search is complete.

I think Sansa is going to surprise us especially with Little Finger as her mentor. I didn’t like her at first but, I really like where her story is going.

I think we are missing a point here. The problem with brick and mortar book stores is not that they are nonviable at all it’s just that they can’t be the core business model. I think there is still a place for brick and mortar stores in the internet era as Tesla and Barnes & Nobles has proven. Pretty much all of

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Ferris Bueller’s Day Off closing credits need honorable mention as they set the tone for other movies to extend beyond the credits.