
I’m biased but personally I liked this ending.

Did you contact British Intelligence? They might be keeping tabs for the FBI.

I like it. I’m getting tired of the infinite cash flow super power that some superheroes seem to have (cough... cough... batman... cough...) It always throws me off that somewhere between beating up bad guys and beating up bad guys these people have found a way to maintain infinite sums of money. Iron Man out of all

As much as I want to believe in 14 being true and I want there to be new original characters in Star Wars and not have everyone related to everyone else, there has to be a mystery to Snoke. There has to be a reason why he appears as hologram and not in person. If he is just Snoke then what was the point of that? Maybe

The Volt isn’t a plug in hybrid it’s the plug in hybrid. It's what other plug in hybrids should aspire to be. The only reason people have an issue associating the Volt with other plugin hybrids is because their EV range is atrocious almost to pointlessness.

Well see, I didn’t know that. Now thanks to this discussion I do. Thank you.

I agree with you. For example as awful as The Last Airbender was the one thing that came out of it was that it made me aware of the original cartoon. Hopefully this remake The Prisoner will be cause for a revival of the original series which would compel the studio to make it more accessible for those who haven’t seen

For me Civil War proved to meet that comic books are action porn. What thinly veiled excuse can we give the super heroes to beat the shit out of each other seems to be most of the premises. Not that there is anything wrong with that but, the better authors tend to give more compelling reasons for their characters to

0-60 in less than 7 seconds.

When folks mistake Scottish for English or Guatemalan for Mexican or Iranian for Arabic, etc. they don’t have editors to double check their words. When there is a paid position dedicated to insuring proper word usage there is a certain level of expectation that goes beyond the normal layman.

I was thinking of this exact video when I read that line in the comic.

Is this supposed to be Roberta (Bobbie) W. Draper from Caliban’s War? That was my first reaction when I saw this picture.

Plot, story, acting these are important to a story but, they are not why we go see movie. We go for the visual spectacle, the sites and the sound. The plot is just scaffolding upon which the spectacle is built.

What on Earth did Aleister Crowley do to deserve that awful legacy?

Johnies Coffee Shop - It was used in The Big Lebowski. I’m not sure what other movies it was used in but, I know that it exists today only as a movie set and not operational as restaurant.

Beat me to it.

I tried watching it at work but, I had a hard time not laughing out loud. I’ll have to watch it when I get home.

No intelligent dinosaur civilization? Only mammals can do that or something?

You can’t dictate cult classics even if Hollywood would like to believe otherwise. It’s not just about the movie but, the time and place that the movie is released and everything to do with the mind set of the audience at the time.

I’ve read the first 15 issues so far. It’s definitely an adult story line but, it feels more like Sienfeld, Friends or Sex and the City. Not that that’s a bad thing it’s actually what I enjoy about it. It’s gritty but, it’s not post apocalyptic gritty. I’d call it grimy. Jessica Jones is more apathetic than tormented.