
I think a shared universe brings more problems than solutions which is why the MCU is so impressive. Just the fact that Marvel has committed to it at all is impressive.

I haven't floated in sensory deprivation tank but, I have floated in the Dead Sea. I don't know about the sensory deprivation, although it was rather quiet there, but being buoyant was a huge revelation. Normally I just sink to the bottom but, at the Dead Sea it was so relaxing to just float there and not have to

I'm torn between "Darker" and "produced by Bruce Timm". Okay, if it means darker than the original Justice League animated series then maybe they had some room to shade it a bit. I guess I'll have to trust Bruce Timm to know where to draw the line. He's done a pretty good job so far.

Everyone wants to be the next Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You are right, we fear AI because we fear it will be exactly like us. A) I don't believe it will ever be like us. B) Even if it is like us it won't be a harm to us at least not directly. Aliens, AI, zombies, foreign cultures; humans have this fear that if it can come after it eventually will. Who's to say there is

I think there needs to be a serious discussion on science fictions obsession with anthropomorphic AI. A lot of this stems from a fear of of otherness.

A lord can still rebel against his king. Just because they are ruling elite doesn't mean they aren't going against established law. Rebellion isn't just the domain of the oppressed.

I've heard the same thing because of TX buying power they have an unfair say in US text book standards.

That wasn't my point though. Yes, you are right it was the wealthy, ruling elite fighting of the US fighting against the British wealthy ruling elite. The point is that the wealthy, ruling elite of the US maintained its wealth and status through commerce where the wealthy, ruling elite of Britain had earned it through

Number 7 explains robot revolutions and zombie apocalypse. The wealthy use the poor to fight their wars by using propaganda to paint the other sides poor as mindless automatons. In science fiction mindless automatons are either biological (zombie) or mechanical (robots). In reality they are just poor people. Even the

I still think it was a revolution of sorts. But, the revolution wasn't of an oppressed colony over an oppressive regime. Rather, it was a revolution against a noble class who based their power on law (and ultimately the ability to wage war) by a capitalist class who, although rather wealthy, based their power on

I hate single use devices with a white hot passion. The CD players, cameras, newspapers, MP3 players all these (and more) couldn't have left sooner imho.

So I did read the article. There are some good ideas but, I don't like the term "road diet" it seems all they really do is take away a lane of traffic to add a left turn (or suicide) lane. The left turn lane reduces the number of conflicts and therefore a reduction of traffic and accidents. The point is that a left

And not everyone who isn't fat is healthy.

Another miss conception about paleolithic societies is that on war. As a percentage of the population more people died from was in a paleolithic society than today. As a percentage. Obviously more people die today from war but, that's just because there are so many more people.

I wanted to know if he had some kind of plan on how exactly man kind could regress to a hunter gatherer lifestyle. Civilization is all about allowing a large dense population to exist on a piece of land that couldn't possibly support it naturally. Take Southern California, if a line is drawn directly west from Santa

I've stopped reading codices in exchange for ebooks. I hate codices. They pile up and take space and really can only carry one story at all. Every time I had to move there were several boxes didicated to codices. The only thing I hate more than codices are newspapers. I love reading the news but, I just hated

Yeah but, that's space turtle. We are talking about sky whales which completely different thing from space turtles.

I never watched but, I think that was the premise of Defiance, right?

It also makes for easier story telling. Although that would be an interesting story where aliens arrive and they are mish mash of cultures.