
There are many problems with this but, the one that no one touches on is that living pay check to pay check is equivalent to being poor. The reality is that most poor people are so deep into debt (pay day loans aren't helpin') that living pay check to pay check is a far off fantasy. I get the trappings of wealth the

It's a cool design that will probably lead to a quadruped mech design but, I feel it over relies on active systems.


There needs to be serious discussion on the definition of "spoiler". This is not a spoiler this is an appetizer. A spoiler is where reveal too much of a stories conclusion. An appetizer reveals the plot just enough to peak interest. After reading his article I still have no idea how it will end but, now I want to know.

I have the same view as well. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they make running the world sound so easy.

"Black Helicopter Parenting" classic.

One theory is missing from this list: who are the Others? In the books they are rarely mentioned but, we finally get to see them in the TV show. There are some who theorize that it was the Others that built the wall as party of a treaty between them and the First Men. It were the humans who violated that treaty by

Death doesn't bother me as much as dying does and just generally growing old. If I could stay 25 until the day I die that's how I want it. Heck, I'll take looking old over feeling old.

What I like is the story that isn't told. There are hints through out the movie suggesting that there is a story there but, they weren't going to tell it, maybe some other time though. Such as in the first X-Men movie they hinted that Charles and Eric had a backstory together but, they only dropped hints of it.

Now playing

One of the issues of that never comes up with the discussion of gentrification is the rise of gas prices and how Americans taste for automobiles is diminishing. I live in Los Angeles where not only is there a gentrification of Down Town but, also an urbanization of the suburbs. We are seeing more mixed use apartment

Swing and swing dancing.

This brings up the question: what was a "Star Wars" moment before Star Wars? I had heard that Gone With the Wind probably was a "Star Wars" moment. The book had been hugely popular and people were anticipating the movie. They had to do a secret screening of the movie. They surprised a random movie audience, that

I wish them all the luck with that... if it's true. I'm sure someone out there could make it work but, it will be hard. Why they would want to do that? Who knows?

I would love to read the story in a stand alone (non-canon) graphic novel just completely out of curiosity. Where were they going with this? Now I wanna know.


The Rock should be Shazam. I stick to the theory that you need a really good actor to pull off a villain of any sort and as much as I like Dwayne Johnson I don't think he's go the chops to pull it off. That and he'd really nail Shazam I can think of few people who could pull it off.

Raising Steam - Terry Pratchett

That month we were studying evolution in biology class sophomore year of high school. Most of it was just about the mechanics of evolution: probability, alleles, dominant recessive traits and what not. We had a substitute teacher come in one day, a young lady, and she actually said that evolution does not true because

It's too long. Two three-hour movies I would have been okay with this. Three two-hour movies I would have accepted, the guy just wants to make a buck. But, three three-hour movies?! Why? What's with Peter Jackson and three hour movies? Lord of the Rings made sense because you just barely cram that story into three

The change they made to the ending I didn't like.