
Keep in mind they were borrowing a little from Dark Knight Returns where Bruce Wayne did exactly that. In the beginning of that story line he has given up being Batman and then he comes back to it.

Yeah, I had mixed feelings about this one too. There was no way they could have adapted the book they way it was but, they could have either done a better job of capturing the feel of the book or they could have named it something else. In any case it was a good movie taken on its own.

So when are they actually going to deliver this Evangelion 3.33 Blu-Ray? I ordered mine last year and still don't have a delivery date. I asked at Comic Con and they said end of the year. Any body here different?

All of these are great and indeed more than most of these have actually changed my life especially evangelion. But, I have to add a few more. Macross Plus and Escaflowne have changed my life but, your results may vary.

Mononoke gets points for timing. I saw this movie before I saw Nausicaa.

I'm liking Frederator Studios in general:

I have a problem with this title. I think if we find life on Europa the search for extraterrestrial life would suddenly hit a new gear and only accelerate. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there sitting on the sidelines because they are still not sure if ET life can be found. Once one person proves it can be

This right here. This is article. This was my problem with magic, it's way too good to be true. Magic is too powerful. I knew that some of the tricks pulled off by wizards in stories had to require vast amounts of energy or at least represented vast amounts of energy but, finally someone did the math.

Of course, there are plenty of examples outside of Macross that use Itano Circus. That just emphasizes the point though. Any Robotech sequel must have it and there is no excuse not to. It has to have great animation.

Probably because it was one of the first books I ever read and had to do it for school.

For me the thing that kills any chance of a Robotech sequel is the animation style known as "Itano Circus". When I saw Macross Plus it was overwhelmingly obvious that it was the true successor to the Macross Saga rather than Southern Cross or Next Generation because of this animation. With all due respect to Macek and

It looks like Jonathan Aris... who plays Anderson on Sherlock and definitely not Sherlock.

I had the same question.

I would never do this... even solicited. Just the idea of my dick pic floating around on the internet is way out of my comfort zone. But, my question is has this ever worked? Did a woman (or man for that matter) ever receive a dick pic two hours into a first date and thought, "Oh yeah, he's a keeper!" Serious survey

That's what post apocalyptic stories are really all about. Recreating conditions of the past from the future. Every time I read post apocalypse book or watch a movie there is always a sense of nostalgia for "simpler" times. I am working on a story that sets that up without killing m(b)illions peoples. All humanity (or

I like. Honestly I hope other superheroes get a similar design treatment. If only for the sake of experiment I'd like to see what superhero outfits would look like if they got away from the skin tight outfits.

It definitely did hit the ground running though that's for sure.

Good point. Luckily that happened only that one time other wise we are screwed. I think Egon is working on an app that will let you turn off the dampeners. He says it's pretty tricky.

Oh, please. The latest generation proton packs are equipped with anti-stream-crossing dampeners.

I've found proton packs are particularly useful.