
What peeves me about this discussion is the way they beat around the bush. They should just say, "dealing with climate change impacts our economy" instead of blaming it on religion and other anti-scientific rhetoric. Because, the economy is an issue and it will need to be dealt with but, they aren't going to do it by

My one issue with the F-35 that he didn't touch on was the same issue they had with the F-14; there are too many moving parts. The more moving parts there are the more wear and tear which means it's a maintenance nightmare.

I don't remember if it was hers exactly but, I do remember that her husband's intentions were to make changes to the justice system. But she was definitely using the embezzeled money to support his election. Anyway, my point wasn't that she's a misunderstood saint but, that she was a horrible person with some saving

Lady Stoneheart is a serious game changer on Game of Thrones. Up until this point we were asking who is going to die but, after she appears now we wonder who died that will come back?

Figueroa's saving grace is that se was using the money she embezzled to help her husband get elected so he could effect real change in the justice system. Her position was that these women shouldn't have been there in the first place. Her plan was corrupt but, at least it showed that she cared at some level and wasn't

I don't know if this is answered somewhere else but, how many books are there going to be in the series both including and not including side stories?

Definitely Gollum in this one and not elf.

I can definitely see where you get Nosferatu. My point was that the elf imagery didn't come through for me either.

I was thinking more gollum than Nosferatu but, definitely not elf.

I had mixed feelings about Vee's story line. She was a villain on such the same level as Kaiser Soze, Darth Vader and Tony Montana. Just pure competent villainy it was fun to watch Lorraine Toussaint act the shit out of that part. I really look forward to seeing her act again. At the same time in such a show where

I wanted to say something about her, too. She was my favorite part of Caliban's War. I'll cover that if/when they do a discussion of that book.

I enjoyed this book but, I can't call it the Game of Thrones of science fiction. The antagonists were to contrived and lacked a reasonable motivation. It's like they only did what was necessary to create a scary situation. The setting itself is what makes this book special, a sort of plausible space opera that takes

I'm frightened more by what they could possibly be protecting me from. What threat could they possibly be an adequate response to?

It took me a minute to realize it was him. It was so unlike him.

In many ways Robert Redford's role in Winter Soldier was similar to Jeff Bridges roll in Iron Man. Two iconic, well respected, American actors, their roles start off as trusting elders but, then we realize they are evil. So, if Redford is on this list then Jeff Bridges totally needs to be. As much respect as I have

I thought Jeff Bridges in Iron Man was a really good choice.


I think you nailed it. Top notch action, lots of sexual tension but, shallow and meaningless. If that's how it will turn out though, they should just call it something else and I might like it.

I'd say I was agnostic on the basis of this article but, my problem with this article and the atheist - theist debate is that it rests on the notion that religion is based on believing in whether or not something exists. For me religion never ever had anything to do with believing in something that doesn't exist and

I think the title should be changed to: It Works (Eventually), Bitches.