
I don't know. After reading these article I arrive at the conclusion that these are definitely zombies but, that the definition of zombie has to be expanded to include those that aren't definitely dead. Any humanoidish creature that attacks humans in swarms should technically be zombies.

Actually just finished rewatching this.

I think the main issue with Pacific Rim was that it was live action giant robot fiction. As much as I personally love the giant robot and super robot genres I am painfully aware that I am in the minority as far as American audiences go. I know a few people that had a hard time accepting the concept of giant robots. On

Ah, but fans also love hating reboots. Which is why they go see them.

I fell asleep to Lilo and Stitch. Not because of the movie itself, it's a great movie, I just wanted to watch something I had seen before. I was watching something else, something I had not seen before, but I noticed I was dozing off. So I browsed for a movie that I had seen before and Lilo and Stitch was right there

I'm assuming nothing at this point. I'm not even assuming that anybody who died remained dead. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if he kills everyone and the book ends with a a whole zombie ecology.

Caliban's War by James S. A. Corey

The Matrix: I mention this plot hole because it almost made me puke. You cannot use human beings as batteries. It defies the laws of thermodynamics. It's a great metaphor but, it's awful science.

I think he knew but, he just didn't give a shit. He's just an asshole like that or a droid. Of course asshole droid could be a redundant statement in the Star Wars universe for all we know.

ewww. This definitely does not satisfy the article. Both version have to be equally badass. Green Lantern might be debatable but, captain planet was definitely not.

I believed its also been mentioned before on io9 that Nova Corps is the Green Lantern Corps of the Marvel Universe. Or is it the other way around? Not sure which came first.

Does Michael Bay think wood explodes when it's broken?

My disagreement with this debate isn't just because I don't believe science and religion are mutually exclusive. I disagree with this debate because I believe there is far more to religion than believing whether or not something exists.

That's what I thought this short would be about. The people coming on and injuring themselves with alcohol and the robot interprets it as his own doing. This works too.

That looks better.

I don't like it. Spandex Batman works well in the comic books but, armored batman just looks better in live action. I hope it will be black instead of gray.

I don't find this hard to believe at all. What I find hard to believe is that for thousands of years no one else discovered the American continents. There is evidence that the Chinese may have reached South America. They have found anchors for Chinese ships off the coast of South America and a sculpture of a bearded

I always figured if superheroes did exist in real life they would be assholes in person anyway. Why? Because they have to deal with other assholes (supervillains) all day long and that just rubs off on you after a while.

I also take issue with the overdressed superhero as well. I look at superman's new outfit and I can just see him sweating to death.

Dress isn't the only way to objectify. I have a problem with the way their built too.