
“I’m so sorry, this never happens to me, I swear!”

One day I would like to have a ceremony to celebrate my gay white self’s betrothal to a black man. We went to the City Clerk’s Office in NYC early on a Thursday morning and then both went to work. So we eloped, kind of. I wonder if Rachel Dolezal, aside from her painting and Africana Studies and NAACP duties and

My inner goddess had been blissfully untouched by these shades of Grey until now, and as the thumb of bad prose penetrated my brain, and rotated around and around, I gasped “please, stop!,” and “how can your thumb rotate around so much? are you double-jointed?” but the black and white text stared me in the face,

As cool as this game is, I have a hard time believing people in white clothes can exist in white prison cells. If I were ever in one, the first time I would soil myself would be an opportunity for me to create a not so eloquent message to my captors on the walls.

“the moment when they cut off your evening news broadcasts and I Love Lucy reruns to give the world a glimpse of their forthcoming plots.” Or in the case of American Gods, give you a glimpse of Lucy’s tits.

produced from 1928-1937

around here, when the wind does not blow, we burn coal inside our wind turbines to make one spin and make wind so the next one in the group can capture and convert that man made wind into power.

“ Im not racist! I threaten to lynch all kinds of people! Asians, Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, non-white atheists, Catholics, Gays, Lesbians, those Transylvanias what dress like women, and sometimes regular women if they don’t appreciate me for my winnin’ personality. See?! All kinds of people!”

Without coming across as super creepy, but I love you.

Gotta be photoshopped. Everyone knows the F-35 can’t fly. :P

I love how North Korea is so culturally behind that for them retro-futurism is just futurism.

Of course they gave us "G". Gee wiz, for goodness sake. But what have the Romans really done for us?!

Wahhhhhhhh - oh. Oops. Having been at Pride all day, I completely misinterpreted the meaning of your title.

Leave it to bandwagoners to hop on the mainline after Alabama has shot up in recent years. If the guy was a pure fan, he'd have stuck in there through the black tar of the Shula years. But no, he's got no weight; he'd just as soon tie it off once the Tide turn to junk. Dude deserves a smack.

She is so amazing and beautiful and talented and fabulous and amazing.

I got you covered.

A lot of internet engineers here. Pretty sure the engineers designing this forgot more than you know about physics and engineering at breakfast this morning.

Um... it's a kind of hat... that attaches directly to the brain...

I'd like to say to you that this ring was of cultural or personal significance to someone you care about, but in reality it just came from Hitler's ass. Sorry kid.