
And this, my friends, is how one builds a Fortress of Solitude.

Who were the people with the red banners and Chinese flags? I saw some of them downtown last night blocking traffic while I was going for dinner.

When I was in Greece they’d put french fries in gyros, it was excellent.

That cat's all like "Duuuude, that was some serious nip we ate. It's like I can hear the red dot, and it gets louder when it gets closer."

The word you're looking for is "tailplane" or "horizontal stabilizer", and it has to do with the shape of it. The wings are designed for lift, and therefore are designed to produce a large pressure difference between the upper and lower surface so they make large vortices. Adding the winglets (or other wingtip

Hmm...might have to make one of these for the office (since my company makes satellite hardware).

Can I get one with soft Corinthian leather?

Do you know if he's single as well? I mean, those abs...

He was actually the first one who popped into my mind.

I hate to be contrarian, but that is a trilby, not a fedora.

I'm going to go with Great A'tuin.

That sloth is kind of...rape-y.

What's the issue? That's the 'Beyond' they're always talking about.

I'm well aware Bill Nye isn't dead, but if he saw this article he may shuffle off the mortal coil out of shock.

Leave it to people on the internet to ruin a perfectly good argument with facts.

Bill Nye is rolling in his grave. Did you learn nothing watching his show growing up?

What apartment are you in? I've been trying to figure out if it's coming from above, below, left or right so I know where to bang (no pun intended) and yell.

My network name is "I can hear you having sex", though it hasn't deterred the neighbors noisy bedroom antics.

Meals on Wheels!

I saw that walking home from our local Safeway last night, wanted to snap a picture, but it was too dark. Not too many interesting cars in this neighborhood, so that Type 2 stands out.