Barnacle Betty

I saw this awkwardness unfold live. The best part of reporter’s annoyed heroics was thrusting the mic into the freaked out old guy’s face..jabber out some inane questions about the man’s poor judgement, then like well into the time frame for a drowning victim to go brain dead, asks if there is anyone else in the car.

And Donna wore the too tight dress and could hardly walk.

I was listening to a podcast about the making of Teen Witch (Top that!) and one of the women on that podcast pointed out how much clothing Louise has on day to day.

Came here to say this. The Bobbsy Twins! Also—my sister and I had variations on this style—black with white decoration on the neckline.

But enough about Philip Roth.

My partner and I went to an MFA together about ten years ago. He continued on to another writing program. I was giving him the run down of Jia’s article on the TSE and VIDA news along with the note about how it was noticed that the women that slept with powerful male literary dude got funding at Iowa and that

Go out like a rockstar. Tell her to write Quaaludes on his cup or on the receipt as an added shot, charge for it, instagram that shit, and let us all enjoy the visual proof.

Tread lightly if you think it will get back to the person. A couple of years ago I was tired from a long flight and irritable and that is prime time for online mockery for me. A college friend (who shares a FB with her boyfriend because they TRUST each other so much) shared a meme (or her boyfriend did) that was

My partner and I are in the same boat. I worked part time at a nonprofit and part time as an adjunct for a couple of years after an MFA and then got some full time work. Then, in 2011 I moved to be with my boyfriend in Houston while he did his doctoral work. Anywho, he graduated last May and has been on the job

For fun, I watched Fifty Shades with my boyfriend and we mocked it the whole time because it’s infinitely mockable...and actually mostly it was boring so we were mostly just reading crap on our phones while it played out in the background. Anyway, I posted on Facebook my review of it being tedious and the characters

Dr. Hurt—dentist

Among. It was divided among more than two people. If it were two, between would be correct. Gawker, can I be your copy editor?

It’s a nightmare, especially in the gig economy. In ten years I’ve had like 10 different employers sometimes overlapping and sometimes not. Also—most of those supervisors have moved on too. It’s not 1985. I wish HR depts. would ditch the goddamned online form. Just ask for references for the love of god.


Oh Lilo...how sad to see you so distorted.

I thought the #iacaucus was was #icarus —my brain is making his hubris mythological.

Didn’t you hear? Gawker is going to try to do cut rate hunter s. Thompson Campaign trail reporting and Jezebel is just for beauty products and celebrity gossip.

Jesus. What a bitch.

Ditto. I’ve been seeing that video get shared around, the one where a beautiful native woman’s reaction to “Christopher Columbus” is the flip off the camera. Ha! I think that’s the one too where all the natives are playing word association with early colonization keywords. *sigh A complicated day.

I heard a guy in the office I'm in at the moment, I'm a contract employee, repeat scare news about Syrians infiltrating through Mexico. Also the women in my office are young and apparently had no sex Ed in Texas high schools so they had to look up how HIV was transmitted after Sheen broke the news. They are 27 or so.