Barnacle Betty

When I was a freshman in high school, my familhy went to visit my great uncle who had both smoking related illness of some kind and alzheimers. During that trip, he routinely forgot who we were and my great aunt, second cousin, and family just worked around it. I got done up for a big midwestern dinner because I was

A couple of summers ago my mom tried to talk around her insult as if I wouldn’t recognize the passive aggression:

Me too. I read it five times.

The fucking brain trust at that school.

What an odd man. I can totally envision this though his motives are so puzzling.

Came here to say this. My workplace worked with Comcast for media buying and some of us lowly creatives were sometimes given tickets to Astros games. I would only go if it was a ticket to one of the mid-level “Suites,” where they had free beer, nachos, hotdogs, and popcorn. But sadly, no cupcake cart access. Still! It

I’m not going to listen to this but please tell me he said, “homie don’t rape that.”

I just shouted at my cat that he can’t groom on the bed anymore. He is, as ever, impassive. Fucking cat.

Inadvertent mistake or doesn’t know the difference?

Rush Coordinator Chaz

Whoa. Just had a flashback to the summer of ‘04.

My nephew has been playing video games since he was very little. When he was 4 he let e play Tricky, a snowboarding racing game. I was so bad, he cried and cried. I felt like such a loser. I was 21 and hadn’t played video games since my nintendo was stolen in a burglary ten years earlier.

Hiya. Some of these things I’ve tried, but I’ll try the others. Thanks for the suggestions.

Any advice for me in my job hunt? I’m feeling rather low about it. I was going to try to get into technical writing because I live in oil country and to take a hiatus from social media and copywriting, but it’s been crickets thus far. That MFA in creative writing was worth in from a personal perspective, but in my

Every movie with minions in them. I had no idea what they were until I started a job where the design team was obsessed.

Allegedly made. He wants a paternity test. Because, of course he does.

Came here to say exactly this. Also: let’s all start calling guys like this “males” as if we are using cop talk or referring to nonhuman animals.

I was short and small....even at 8 I was eating for free at salad bars because they thought I was much younger. Win!

Oh man! That’s a great story. Sharing with my friends who used to work in a movie theatre.

Agreed. My LA born boyfriend was like *shrug* with Kids and I was raised in rural-ish NM and was skeeved out. Of course, I just wasn’t a part of the subculture. There were rave kids in the cities too but I wasn’t allowed to do anything as a teenager so I didn’t really know.