Every encounter is just “here’s some dudes, shoot them.”
Every encounter is just “here’s some dudes, shoot them.”
Martin Fourcade participated in an open class event. Semenya competes in a limited event. Semenya physical advantage is the entire reason there is a limited class. To use boxing it would be like having a heavy weight fighting for the flyweight championship. The entire purpose of weight classes is that the bigger…
But the courts are ruling politically here, not on the basis of law. It’s 100% clear that the president has the authority to end by executive order programs that were created by executive order.
Duh, of course it won’t get DLC. There was no season pass sold at the game’s release.
Oh Force India, what could have been...
Excellent article as always, Jason.
Hipster old millennial dads ew right?
No, most likely tone deaf.
Guiltr would have been more to the point.
I’m sorry for your woes, but thank you for the laugh.
I had a similar experience in Thailand, when my travel constipation finally collapsed beneath the strain of a week’s worth of some of the spiciest food on the planet. I was so ashamed of what came out of my body.
When I look at her, all I can think of is Quint describing a shark’s eyes.
sorry, president evil, her drug tests are currently being audited.
Jackhammer Naked is the most epic of epic punk bands.
It is known.
Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)