Jason Parker

Meh. I wish that the people religiously devoted to this game would just let asinine”quests” like this fail. Obviously Bungie is just going to give us the gun because the model is already made and the cash shop already has skins for it so the sunk resources will mean that we are going to get it regardless of the

Shockingly, rural areas have different issues than urban areas.

You do know what semi automatic means, right?

That’s a bit rich considering half the US media is still in denial about November 2016... and the polling is looking abysmal for the DNC... and Bernie will never be allowed to get the Primary...

Then the cash shop would not be as important to the core gameplay.

Bioware Montreal was a "C Team" at best.

The issue is that when those “rich, white folks” get a golden get-out-of-jail ticket, they pay their do some tax deductible charity jig, then go continue being jerks.

“Proof that when you have a president who’s spent years getting away with everything, regardless of the allegation, the rest of the country is bound to follow suit?”

How about you wait for the movie to come out before you declare it a sales phenomenon? It's pre-sale tickets... TLJ had comparable opening weekend numbers to TFA and it got 700M less overall.

I’ll be that toxic fan then. Your childhood self wanted terrible chorography, inconsistent tonal shifts and glaring plot holes?

Except the evidently shallow writing revealed she wasn’t nearly as clever as she thought she was. Also, she lost her crown before the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people.

Not really surprised, ‘journalists’ is usually synonymous with ‘political activists’ anyhow. I live in Canada, the second largest national carbon sink. We could become zero emissions over night and the result would be less than a rounding error in the data. It simply does not matter what the rest of the world does if

There was still a over-arching plan in mind for the original trilogy. JJ played it safe with E7 and set up Rian for an easy dunk but Rian spiked it into the ground like a volleyball.

I honestly don’t care. Having different writers and directors for two movies in a trilogy was a stupid, terrible idea. E7 was high production value fan fiction; E8 was a beautifully shot, decently acted film student project.

You mean like how the Sex Ed curriculum is mutual masterbation?

Just lol.

Than women’s sports will effectively stop in any professional sense.

If you actually trained, you might notice things. Yes, there are woman with low testosterone than are faster, stronger and quicker than high testosterone men just like there are low testosterone woman that can out compete a ‘high’ testosterone woman; however, you would have to be obtuse to believe that distribution

I remember the “One Ford” policy about how Ford will make global cars and platforms.

The soft tires were already hard to get up to temperature and pressure. Going for 5+ laps at safety car speed would have been insane with both Bottas and Hamilton behind him on the quick to warm ultra soft tires.