
He’s found a building. I highly doubt he’s found a skyscraper.

I’m sorry, that was my hilarious typo

Because tall skyscrapers (which you’d need to prove or disprove anything) are so abundant in rural areas.

I guess that's why he stresses that this will take place in a rural area? But still I can't imagine the Thai government will be thrilled about this idea.

Don’t call me Shirley.

A hoax as in there weren’t actually planes, but rather bombs placed in the WTC to bring them down — by the government — and the terrorism claims were a cover up.

Found an image of the highly professional flight crew that’s volunteered to fly this mission.

There surely has to be a legal obstacle or two against ramming giant planes into skyscrapers, even if you do it all on your own property. Like if the plane misses and hits something else, won’t it be a huge problem?

I haven’t had a chance to break out this bad boy in a while. Hang on, let me get the dust off it.

This seems like an incredibly well structured and reasonable experiment that is definitely based on scientific principles and also reality. I don’t see what could possibly go wrong.

This is only tangentially related but my ex boyfriend and former best friend just posted a 9/11 truther video the other day. I couldn't believe that he would be so fucking gullible. Drugs are bad is the only lesson I could find. Thank god I dodged that bullet.

I dunno if you’ve read any reviews....but it’s none. They get no development.

What are the odds that the main character in this version of the Phoenix story won’t be Charles and Magneto? We all know Sophie Turner will stand around looking scary and not talk. Bryan Singer has done sweet fuck all for the female X-Men to date, and I don’t imagine Phoenix will change that.

Fox, if it doesn’t look like this it is NOT a Phoenix story. If marvel can make a great movie staring a tree and a racoon, you can get this right.

To be fair, if you look up what his version of X3 was, it was a lot less Wolverine based. And Cyclops didn't die. So he would have probably fixed the focus problem.

At least Sophie won’t have to deal with Brett Ratner. I don’t think it’s fair to use XM The Last Stand as a measuring stick for Dark Phoenix. I’m open to the idea of a do-over.

I think Turner could do it. Just make sure the Phoneix is the cosmic force of crazy it is in the comics, and we’ll be good. I wanna see the giant flaming bird.

Much as I’m sure we all love Sophie Turner-Dark Phoenix? Really? Famke had a good decade on her and could barely manage it.

Fox would be wise to FIRE BRYAN SINGER, JFC WTF IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HIM!? He has held the franchise back since his first “Wolverine and these other guys” X-Men movie. Dump him and actually get some talent with a long-term cinematic universe in there.

The idea that conservative media doesn’t ‘trend’ on facebook is a joke. Every week i see about 20 hate filled articles from Fox or WSJ on there. Red state and Briebart are not news sources and they should never appear under ‘news’.