
Yuppppp. He mentions that in his response video.

What is a fiascina, other than flask in Italian???

Any idea if prints of the covers for James Robinson’s Scarlet Witch will be made available? The cover art is gorgeous and I really want to hang most of them on my wall!

Still, it certainly can’t help.” Was that a typo?

What in the CHRIST is that ““music””” video and why in the hell did you subject your audience to it. 

We keep empty butter containers under the sink so that when we cook ground beef or use the mini-grill, we can pour/scoop any runnings-off into them, freeze them, then throw them out in the trash at next pickup. The fact that people don’t know to do this - or something similar - is pretty mind-boggling for me. Take it

As someone who’s non-binary and has been going by they/them for years, I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that singular they is solely acceptable for usage re: non-binary genders. And the ‘when the reality is’ bit of your comment feels pretty condescending??

Aside from Tila’s spiral, the Shot at Love series is actually a completely separate entity, on a different channel, and created by different people. It’s not in the family of the VH1 shows at all.

Perhaps it’s easier to separate the art from the artist, so to speak, if the artist is no longer around to continue their disgusting behaviors or profit off their works?

Neither: “buh-Gell”

I thought that bit was saying more that Brittney and the like *stopped* being so scrutinized by tabloids, not that they avoided it in the first place. That said... I mean, Brittney, Bieber, and Bynes aren’t at all in the public spotlight the way they were during their very public breakdowns/meltdowns, nor are they

This feels like an incredibly tone-deaf comment given the subject of the article. Maybe save your movie adaptation fancasting for something less heinous.

The squatter plotline really tested my suspension of disbelief lol. They weren’t bad characters, their situation and plot convenience just didn’t really make sense. I’d looove to see more from Chanel and maybe JC, I liked the bonds they were building with Ava. 

and suggesting that acknowledging her queerness would somehow take away from her presence is a rather perplexing stance to take.” I mean. In the show itself, she basically did everything BUT say it. The show acknowledged her sexuality in her feelings about a past lesbian Warrior Nun and Ava having a “why do you care

Editor should’ve caught this really strangely organized sentence:

I can’t tell from the photo, but are any of them wearing masks? I can make out maybe one or two. I understand that they just lost someone important to them and this probably helped them find peace but we’re still in the throes of a pandemic, you know?

“It isn’t because of any in-universe magic that the existence of the supernatural is lost on regular civilians, however, it’s just that the show doesn’t bother to establish whether or not angels and demons are the sorts of things that people in this world would be shocked to witness.” Dunno about angels, but humans

Not sure what you’re implying here, but coming into one’s sexuality - including bisexuality - really can happen at any age. I don’t agree that the show is reluctant to let her identify as bisexual though. Her dealing with internalized homophobia has been part of her arc the whole series, but it’s especially prevalent

This’ll bug me if I don’t point it out, so -- Annalise said later that the story her mom told about giving her lunch to a homeless man was, in reality, done by her sister Celestine and not herself.