
we do, some things just slip through the cracks. i regularly read the comments and make any corrections that are called out so i appreciate you doing so

sure is a lot of not videogame content lately. videogame adjacent, sure.

Still waiting on a Return to Monkey Island review, but I guess yet another update on what a Twitch streamer pulled out of their nose this morning will have to do.

Joan Rivers didn’t have pretensions of being more than catty gossip, which this article clearly does.

Yep, out of all the current issues with the industry, game execs and designers not wearing enough couture is definitely pressing.

Yes, how dare they... not dress fashionably enough?

Shocked by the level of uncivility and abuse on a platform built by a company infamous for its secular platforms known for breeding disinformation, fearmongering, and inhumanity towards one’s fellow man? Insert Fry meme here.

I guess that depends on what you consider substance. The game has a fair amount of puzzle-solving and the puzzles are pretty solid. There’s also a pretty good amount of exploration required to solve said puzzles. If you enjoy puzzles and exploration, the game has substance.

The marketplace one is a little better because you can convince yourself that its crowded so maybe its harder. But the forest scene with Flea’s gang is just flat out bad. They looked like a bunch of doofuses, especially since at one point they had her surrounded and she still got away. She 10! And like you said with

The young actor playing Leia is great, but the show’s editors made a real hash of the chase scenes she was in. They were so badly staged they looked exactly like those pretend chases young kids love where the adults chasing them deliberately run just not quite fast enough to catch them, and fall over every time they

That's not a plot hole.

Yeah, Reva is clearly good at kicking ass and horrible at everything else, and I personally don’t have a problem with that. Just because you’re a tough, dangerous, clever person doesn’t make you good at everything else.

Yeah. Leia’s message is Leia in diplomatic mode, but when Luke comes into the detention block he says something like, “I’m here to rescue you. I’ve got your R2 Unit... I’m here with Ben Kenobi.” At which point she excitedly shouts, “Ben Kenobi is here! Where is he?” Which implies that her connection to Obi-Wan is more

“Leia’s “help me Obi-Wan Kenobi” message that she gives to R2-D2 in the movie seems to imply that she and Obi-Wan do not know each other, but she eventually does meet Obi-Wan in part two of the premiere and she hears him referred to as Obi-Wan—despite his insistence that he is called “Ben.””

Second was the escape at the end where Reva was standing around shouting how Kenobi can’t escape her. There were probably dozens of Imperial ships around and, more importantly, she knew exactly the ship he was on. So I don’t think it would have been at all difficult for her to stop that ship or at least figure out a

If there’s any inconsistency with Obi-Wan’s appearance, it’s just that people born in 1914 aged a lot worse than people born in 1971. Macgregor is 17 years older in Kenobi than he is in Revenge of the Sith. Strictly going by the canon timeline he’s already old enough to play Kenobi in the New Hope era, much less 9

The author of this article isn’t ignoring the lore reasons for Wanda’s actions. He’s calling out how tired and somewhat unnecessary the trope is that dives those actions both in this film and in the comics. I too felt like Wanda didn’t receive nearly enough consequences for her actions in Westview, but what she did at

Wanda’s grief was amplified and turned to ‘madness’ by her exposure to the The Darkhold, just like we saw how The Darkhold turned an other universe Stephen Strange. I thought the movie it that very obvious.

Not going to believe it until the game actually releases. For all I know this could be from a video slot machine in development.

Could you please, for the love of fucking god, for the Old Gods and the New, for the fucking Force itself, stop turning every goddamn thing into a fucking slideshow. It’s 2022, in case you haven’t noticed.