
The issue of the Avengers where we find out that Wanda’s children were fake was the last-straw retcon for me. It was the last issue of the Avengers that I ever read. I never forgave them for that one. Many, many other ways to write the children out of the story without killing them off but they went with Woman Crazed

Since you asked, here’s more than a few.

For that, I refer you back to io9's earlier discussion of Rowling and racist cultural appropriation of Native American religious traditions, and the article it references by Cherokee scholar Adrienne Keene at

If you’re about to write a comment that says, “But, but, this takes place before people started feeling bad about the attempted cultural eradication of Native Americans!” maybe don’t. This is the only reason I can imagine that people think these names are ok, and it’s not.

You’d be surprised at the amount of people who ignore that. Now there’s a shiny new banner to distract them, and make them look even more foolish if they complain in the comments!

The thing that’s wrong is that none of the umbrellas work. If the Jesus umbrella kept out the rain then there’d be no need for any others underneath.

I had a friend want me to go with her so her and I could work out our friendship issues. I blatantly said I don't need some stranger to facilitate that conversation but I am happy to talk to you one on one anytime. Because at that point I didn't really know what Landmark was but from what she had been telling me, my

I absolutely think evangelical environments like the Duggars are cults. And that tactic is even in their literature! I mean, come on, just look at this graphic and tell me you see nothing wrong with it.

When I was in SSM a lady on the Subway tried to recruit me to Landmark and I tried to recruit her back for SSM thinking I was in the better group. I am laughing at my old self right now,

My first reaction to cult articles is “but didn’t they take that class in high school...?” and it takes me a second to remember that I went to a Catholic school and so no, they likely didn’t.

Because mainstream western culture trains people not to think. And especially not to listen to that nagging little voice in the back of the head that tells us that something is wrong. The cult of Positive Thinking has infested western culture, teaches people that all that is required to be successful is to be positive


That really calls to mind the language Trump uses to answer questions.

I’m imagining the first time he tried that line he was just trolling and he got such a high off of it when they went with it, the line is probably heroin for him by now.

Right? It made me think about how she’d deal with someone who replied “But it’s interesting to me, so please answer the question.”

I tried Anna, I really did. But a quarter of the way in I got really stabby.

In our second phone call, Kuhn-Siegel responded: “Are members free to text? That question is not that interesting to me. I feel like it puts me in a defensive posture, and I don’t feel like I have anything to defend really.”

100 people times $200-$600/month = $20,000-$60,000/month (call it $35k, maybe). Minus expenses to rent the room for weekly meetings, it probably leaves him with at least $15-$30k/month for himself. Small-time doesn’t imply unprofitable or non-predatory.

He told women, she says, “to do stuff like get down on the floor,” or instructed them to go home and “stick fingers up their asses, or stick, like, a carrot up your ass.”

Now playing

Just here to say dude ripped off a female songwriter because of course he did. OF COURSE this clown stole from a powerful creative woman, even for the (penultimate) name. Joni Mitchell, “Free Man in Paris”. I hope she sues his ass.