
thanks for the link man, jeez that sliding timescale is way messier than I realised. Makes me glad of UK comics such as Judge Dredd, the main character is aging in real time, so he started out in his 40's but it now in his 70's. Allot of us fans on the forum chat about how long he’s got left and his deteriorating

The brood are hallmark X-men villains.

They’re going to grey up Magneto. I think it’s weird they didn’t grey him up already.

I would watch that... for some reason...

The most watched network is Fox. The biggest radio show is Rush. The most popilular natonal paper is the Wall St Journal. 2/3 of newspaper endorsements are republicans, even in strong Liberal cities (NY Daily News, Detroit News, etc.)

Are you suggesting that shoving Wolverine into absolutely everything isn’t faithful to the comics?

I’ve never seen the Japanese version... That was pretty badass


Yeah. How old should Xavier and Magneto and Beast be since they’re the same actors in First Class, DOFP, now Apocalypse and then whatever comes next. Its been a good 30 years, they should all be getting on a bit by then, but nope, lets just say fuck it and keep them ageless.

Let’s get through the latest X-Men movie before we start talking about the next one...

It's the most faithful concept of comic book time put on screen. If only by accident.

I actually enjoy that they don’t give a flying fuck about aging them.

I really hope we get a colorful X-Men film where Jubilee actually does something.

And then in the movie after that they all go see the first movie in theaters?

I know you’re just a kid trolling for attention, but I will make one point in response. Categorically dismissing ideas as “wrong” (without even lifting a brain cell to say why) isn’t the principled stand you seem to think it is. It’s straight up intellectual laziness. THAT is why Fox News’ ethos can be

True, but considering that conservatives are always wrong maybe we should be suppressing their “news” aka views. Just imagine if Fox News didn’t exist. Better world? You betcha!

Honestly? Conservative new/views should be suppressed. I am against censorship but do think that if you have a conservative viewpoint you shouldn’t be allowed a platform that could be used to influence others.

Of course FB is manipulative and unethical. I don’t think they’ve ever really hid that part of their business model. I run the page of a non-profit and they’re constantly trying to draw more money out, be it by encouraging like farming or manipulating paid reach. FB is slimy as all get out, but what is anyone going to

Well, this is a great way to get back at an employer that treated you poorly. Sic the entire angry right wing on ‘em.