
I was actually sad to see Bubba Ray Dudley appear. I was hoping he'd go back to TNA. I think that at this point, both TNA and NXT are more entertaining than WWE. Lashley does kind of suck on the mic, not unlike Roman Reigns, but at least he's phenomenal in the ring.

Imma try and help everyone who's a little confused on this. On why we're mad at the result. For the main issue atm being that Roman won the rumble I have to step back in history real quick.

Anime is fake and predetermined as well, so what's your point? Do you remember how angry people were over Mass Effect 3's ending? That was predetermined and fake. So why would anybody complain?

You also didn't delve on the most important aspect of this: all the fan favorites were treated like shit. It'd be one thing if Bryan or Ambrose or Ziggler were eliminated late but looked like they had a chance, which is Rumble booking 101. But Bryan got tossed in a blink of an eye. Ditto Ambrose. Ditto Damian Mizdow.

people can call it bitching, whining or whatever they want to, but the consumer is asking for something and there's no reason whatsoever not to satisfy that demand, which basically makes the consumer more angry and pissed at the product and the company


Goes to a comments section to complain about message board posters who complain about everything.

Feels superior.

Sure the fans voted for that award

The problem is Vince is a vain moron. So when his wallet takes a hit he blames anybody but himself. Many fan-favorite wrestlers have carried the brunt of of the blame when his shit booking ruins storylines and kills buy-rates.

They're angry because WWE programming isn't just a weird sort of modern morality play but a sort of meritocracy play where the crowd's role is to appreciate the top talents and the company promoting the show is theoretically supposed to place those talents in top positions, not unceremoniously dump them out of

In short, what's the use of cheering, booing, and tweeting if WWE isn't going to take feedback into consideration? They encourage fan interaction so damn much, shove it in our faces even, only to give us crap in return. You might as well film RAW like a TV show without an audience if you scoff off fan interaction as a

I'll never understand anyone's fascination with Roman Reigns. He's the wrestling equivalent of bland, tasteless soup. If you could represent him with a color, it would be beige.

I don't care about wrestling. It's just never interested me. But that video where he has the entire crowd chanting in time with his goofy looking move is absolutely thrilling. To get that many people excited about one thing at the same time is fun to watch, regardless of what they're doing. So with that one video, I

WWE stocks have been hurting for a while, and the response is to release both on air talent and mid and lower card wrestlers instead of creating a better product.

The world title match was good but that Royal Rumble match was horrible... can't believe how WWE buried all of those great wrestlers, including Daniel Bryan, so quickly... and then they make Roman Reigns win... which technically is not a problem, but WWE did a shitty job building Reign up into someone that the fans

grandpa, who let you out of the nursing home?

Game devs listen WAY more than the WWE management listens to their audience. If that wasn't the case, CM Punk would've headline a 'Mania by now, Bryant would be champ, and Cena would be a mid-card attraction to keep the kids in the audience happy.

This article was great, and I loved seeing everyones reactions on Twitter last night. I am the wrestling fan that said he was going to quite WWE but actually meant it. Sometimes I watch the PPVs with my friends (like last night) but I gave up on Raw and following the stories (because fuck spending 3 hours of my life

I haven't really watched it for a few years, as I no longer have access. But right now, there are so many boring characters, and it shows this as the company keep having to roll out old stars. I mean, yeah, they've kinds always done this to an extent, but they've tried so hard to put out more wrestlers. The roster is

I only loosely follow the WWE nowadays, but this all seems like it could be solved with Smashing Glass and Stone Cold Steve Austin walking on stage and sorting everybody out.

No way this is a master plan. They (WWE management) are not that smart. Vince simply thinks Roman Reigns is the top guy and will do his best to convince the world of it. And so we are stuck with the Khal Drogo Cena for a while.