
'AD: The Bible Continues' sounds like one of the shows on that TV network in Gremlins 2.

Oh, hey, look, more-opportunities to pretend everyone was white!

a battle-weary king, a powerful and resentful prophet and a resourceful young shepherd on a collision course with destiny.

What's more mysterious is why the hell did Palpatine have all of Vader's accoutrements (cape, mask, helmet, armor) not only ready and waiting for Anakin but apparently pre-tailored. Even in a galaxy far far away, a mask like that doesn't just come off the rack.

But it may be the design for a type of storm trooper and it was rejected as too complicated and he snatched it up. Also, with the resources at his disposition (not to mention his "work or I fry you " attitude) it is not impossible a team worked on this at high speed. Basically, the technology is already there and if I

Exactly. His flesh is still going to take weeks to heal from his wounds and surgeries so you've think they'd have put him in a tank like Luke in Empire or at least something that allowed easier access for droids to assess his progress. But the movie made it seem like they stuffed him in that can with his burned

That was one of my biggest gripes about the prequels. I hoped to see Anakin slowly evolve into Vader. Maybe in Attack of the Clones he would start wearing some cyber limb armor, or have his injuries happen earlier and he starts compiling proto-Vader breathing masks and life support armor. It was just too abrupt.

Yeah, I'm really wondering why the character who lied to the entire galaxy for decades is being taken at his word about ANYTHING.

I'm almost certain there's some EU tidbit out there about them modifying a spare General Grevious chassis they had lying around.

If I remember, the original scene with her and Anakin had her saying something about the aliens failing to adapt to their new homeworld. Maybe her act of love for her kids was not giving up before their were born allowing them to experience life on their own terms (not hers).

That almost happened to me, and all I did was go see them!

Nice try but.....

Drs. Ball and Zoidberg must be fun at their medical school reunion...

Cultures consider people to be adult at varying ages on just this one planet. You can't conceive that in a galaxy of hundreds of worlds, there might be a little variation?

She died of a broken heart? What is your medical degree in poetry? No, let's not use the thousands of dollars in medical equipment! (Paraphrasing as that's just from memory, but I love that scene)

And Leia was a member of the senate, a key officer of the rebellion, a trusted emissary to the alliance with evidently lots and lots of experience in dealing with the stench of Vader, the duplicitous Grand Moff Tarken, and all that, while Luke was a farmboy not yet old enough to leave home without permission. And yet

creator. Lets not spread that blame around.

I always figured that when Palpatine tells Newborn Vader that Padme is dead, what went through Palpatine's head was roughly "He'll be even more loyal to me if I'm the only familiar figure in his life now, plus it'll break his spirit a bit that the person he did all this to save is dead anyway, plus I'm going to send

She died of shame from being in the prequel trilogy.

Nice theory. But like the other theories that fix Star Wars issues I find it giving the creators too much credit.