
Uhhh what???

What were her views on transness, on trans women? I did a bit of googling but haven’t found anything conclusive. I know a lot of radfems are also TERFs...

I think the idea of cards like these, provided they come with legitimate sourcing, is a great idea to combat misinformation.

I would say the way to publicly shame tabloids would be to point out that someone being trans or speculation thereof shouldn’t be the stuff of gossip; people have the right to decide their own gender and presentation not anyone else - including the media.  

Death Note was never going to work as a one-to-one adaptation for a lot of reason, most obvious being that it’s incredibly long and the twists and turns that fans like would not translate well in a truncated form.”
That’s not true at all. There has been a series of faithful live action Japanese Death Note films and

“An odd way to communicate with your ex, but hey, celebrities are super weird.”

Regardless of the rest of what he’s saying I like how he calls WW “self-congratulatory back-patting” then in almost the same breath starts talking about how his woman protagonist was so much superior.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was really looking forward to this ;_______;

I saw the first two of these on Chiller a while ago. I didn’t think they were particularly interesting or worthy of being cult films. I’m... kind of confused why people like them past being typical slashers?

But you don’t actually get locked out of the best/true ending if you make a few mistakes in the first playthrough. Provided you don’t slaughter everyone and everything, you can finish that file and start a new game and you won’t be punished. I killed a few enemies at in my first one before I got the memo, then got a

The bits about drag queens and Thomas Jefferson... What the fuck do those even mean? Who the fuck thought they were funny????? As well as with the rest of this skit?????????????? What the fuck?????????? I’m so?????????????????????????

It’s probably a shortening of their anti-“globalism” views

Good article, quick thing though - please don’t use fuckt*rd or anything else with -tard as an insult, as it all has basis on the ableist r-slur

“Here’s hoping the voting public tastes the same way as I do”

what’s up with the half-there half-not bellybutton? is he also cosplaying bad AU kyle from kyle xy

“anti-Scientology hate crimes”

Wow, this is disgusting. That’s absolutely a rape joke.

The panel when Widow takes out Punisher is cool as hell.