
“Baker’s time on the show as the Fifth Doctor was marred by production hiatuses and growing discontent at the show’s darker content,”

Oh, you didn’t know? I wish I was as naive to the frightening depths of fetishes. People absolutely wear diapers for fetish purposes. Sometimes as part of (*shudders loudly*) adult baby fetishes.

“People’s article quotes a dietician/nutritionist who previously stated, “The best types of detoxes are ones that emphasize lots of hydration and veggies. That can be a veggie-focused juice cleanse (not the super sweet fruit-based ones!), a salad-[based] raw food cleanse for people who like to chew, or even a veggie

Oh, this this one super shitty to indigenous people too?

Oh hey! Since this is set in space, and will obviously involve other planets, maybe they’ll finally be the ones to solve the question astronomers have struggled with for eons: on what planet do people think that Seth MacFarlane is funny in any way whatsoever?

“but at the very least MacFarlane has managed to demonstrate an understanding of Gene Roddenberry’s vision.” Yeah, I’m sure he’ll perfectly emulate Roddenberry’s disgusting racism just fine, since MacFarlane manages quite well on his animated shows. 

Being developers, from what I’ve gathered, doesn’t mean that they actually personally made the game. Like I said, at the very least, they weren’t the writers. We don’t know how embedded in the process they were, but I think a lot of people have been overstating their involvement. The game makers enlisted GG

Theres no actual present sexual content because if there were, Steam wouldn’t host it. That’s the nature of the platform. Even Coming Out on Top, from what I understand, has had to purge all its NSFW scenes for Steam to accept it.

I’m so with you about nuance and ideological purity. Obviously, the game’s not perfect, and we should be critical of it to create a better standard for our media and representation. But something doesn’t have to be flawless to be important or resonate with people. One of the big things I’ve seen people on about are

I think the “bad dad” achievement is much less about shaming how gay men relate to each other and much more about how that’s bad for Robert and gets you his bad ending. It’s not saying you’re A Bad Person TM for sleeping with him, just that it’s really not what he needs (a slow-growing emotionally fulfiling

It’s not playable. The only way to even read the dialogue is by datamining. It’s not canon unless they decide to patch it in. Even then, having supernatural or dark bad possible endings is common in the dating sim genre overall. I totally get seeing playable as canon, but that doesn’t even necessarily work because

I agree with this completely. It’s not at all uncommon for games’ code to contain cut content, and the only way to even see this cut cult ending is by datamining. It’s completely unobtainable. It’s really not relevant to the rest of the game unless they patch it in.

Calling it the “secret cult ending” is a misnomer. It’s a cut cult ending. I don’t know if it’s there as a joke or just a possible bad end or what, but we literally wouldn’t know it exists without datamining and therefore it’s really not relevant to the rest of the game. If they patch one day and bring it into game

It’s kinda weird to me that Riley only played to the barbecue and is reviewing this with you. Especially this line:

There’s a word for “Tom Hardy Lips” already - DSLs. ;)

I LOVE the names for these, and some of the designs are rad too. Metal as fuck!

I dunno if it’s just the resolution of the still image or what, but is it just me or does the blue(?) alien with the nose crest and gold collar have TERRIBLE mouth application??? Wtf???

These are fine. Just... fine. The detailwork is nice and impressive, but these don’t look standout enough to be for superheroes who’ve been entrenched in pop culture for decades who’re getting their first big budget movie adaptation.
Also, what happened to this???

I was really hoping the sequel would take the opportunity to rename the G*psy part of the name, as that’s an anti-Romani slur... And it’s not like no one has said anything about it, people have been vocal about why it’s a gross word for decades.

Yeah! It’s kind of flat. Which doesn’t make sense because there is PLENTY of reference material to pull from.