
Thing is, a lot of languages don’t even have a hard G like English does. So that also plays a part in who pronounces it which way. At the end of the day, both parties know what’s being referenced, and that’s what’s actually important.

Also, it’s pervy and you can marry your daughter? That’s disgusting...

“execute” was a really poor choice of words for that menu. unless...

How come Aquaman’s outfit has colors now? What happened to that really cool dark design inspired by Polynesian tattoos? And why’s his skin the same color as Batman??

Back in the day, Kyle XY was my favorite! I miss it so much :(

“But I will say if empathy is something people are at all interested in, I do think that listening is the key, crucial thing. And what I’ve noticed in the last few weeks is, like, no one listening. There’s very little listening. That’s my big observation from this moment of time on a press tour.”
Wow, what a great

Also - dysphoria is something that presents very widely in different people among different realms (for example, the difference between dysphoria caused by how you’re seen socially by others vs genital dysphoria) AND not something that every trans person feels the same about. Some trans people don’t even have much for

She’s not necessarily a “lost cause” though:

I don’t know what the paper is or who it’s by, but if it’s in an academic library or something, should be of use to ya!

Is the baby okay though? I’d think falling from that height, even being caught, could cause some serious neck or head injuries to an adult, much less a baby...

Holy shit, did the baby and mother make it?

Telling people to go play what’s already been released and assuming they haven’t played it already doesn’t do your argument any favors.

People are in want of a release date because the game was announced four years ago. And it’d been conceptualized and tease since the release of KHII Final Mix in 2006. It has been a very long time and people are just hoping it will actually come to fruition. And Square seems to have a recent track record with RPGs

Well I mean the rotisserie is a legitimate Earth Sex Move (TM) and I wasn’t sure if you just meant the position itself would be easier or the style of cooking it’s named from so yeah

Theoretically, you could even spin the middle like an actual rotisserie chicken!

Can we talk about the Boobs And Butt TM in the thumbnail for the first video? Because WOW is that bad. Her lower body is in an entirely different reality than her upper body.

I really hope he dies a gruesome death.

Whoa, would you mind sourcing what you say about her manipulating a trans woman into re-offending? I hadn’t heard that before. Fucking terrifying.

do you know if he’s ever addressed it since?