
Between this info about Luke, the lack of explanation for Snoke, the fact that Finn’s connection to the Force won’t be examined at all in this movie (and that trailers and the like have minimized his role from what it was in TFA?), and that apparently each director is shooting from the seat of his pants making me feel

I’m glad that Dani Mathers piece of shit got held accountable for her body shaming bullshit.

Oh, the Leia cover... Right in the heart...

No, read the links. It’s not that they WILL kill you, it’s that they CAN kill you. They can make you seriously ill. Hence the recommendation that you chuck the rest of the loaf as well.

I gotcha, but actually - you *are* supposed to throw out the loaf as soon as you find mold!

This is what I think is happening, too. And I think that they decided to “explore” racism through robots instead of people for the same exact reason.

See, I would argue that that sort of lack of specifics, on top of that they use racial tension as a plot point, says this: “We’ll explore racial tension, but not with humans. We’ll explore an extremely human problem that is entirely dependent on how humans treat each other based on an arbitrary physical difference,

How is she defending him though

Oops, I was thinking about the initial person who brought this all to light, who does indeed use they/them.
They/them pronouns may feel arbitrary and artificial to you, but they are not.

Ben is not a straight male, they are non-binary and use they/them pronouns. And IIRC the person they assaulted is also non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, as stated in the previous article.

1) They.
2) Can you like, not shit on their presentation? Please??? As if we non-binary people aren’t shit on enough??? Let the allegations speak for themselves about who Ben is, don’t drag in shitty gatekeeping binary bullshit as well.

Ben is non-binary, not a man, and uses they/them.

“For me, feminism is all about equality and freedom and [women] choosing what we want to do. If it’s salaries, then we get paid equal to men. It’s not men vs. women or women vs. men.”
For Gal Galdot, feminism is all about equality and freedom... unless you’re Palestinian! 

Ben is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. But yeah, this is the end of the road for them musically. Considering the warranted backlash against them and the band from within the community, I wouldn’t be surprised if they can’t even get a job behind the scenes.

Ben uses they/them and is non-binary.

They did it specifically to cause (warranted) outrage? What the fuck...