
For the record, he was born in 1980. The episodes of QAF he was in were from 1999-2000. So he was 19 or 20. It’s absolutely confounding and inexcusible that they made his character 15, like what the fuck

The name of the show is literally ant anti-Roma racist slur. I think it is very remiss of you as the author of a site saying they’re intersectional to not even mention that.

Exactly. Here’s the thing: “fakes” didn’t lead to the stereotype. Straight people did, because they *made* the stereotype. That isn’t to say that no person has ever realized later they weren’t bi, or come out as bi in a misguided attempt to make things easier for themself/others, but straight people were *absolutely*

Giada is the Tooth Fairy. She puts the discarded teeth to good use.

I can confirm she’s genuinely nice — One of my close friends worked with her during one of the Miami food and wine festivals a few summers ago and she was super sweet and considerate of everyone working with/under her!

I’m curious if France’s far right (aka: fascists) will be emboldened by her defeat, the same way many in the US were afraid America’s alt right would be if Trump had lost. For these completely delusional bigots, defeat would probably add to their persecution complex.

Does this include Kratos’ bath scenes? Lol

Is it just me or are they using Chris Redfield’s more attractive previous design?? Not the one from the end of the latest RE game?

I’m not someone who cares about shoes - I’m not a Shoe Person TM - but wow, the Power Loader ones are really fucking cool looking. Love it.
The other pair though, I don’t get any sort of Queen Xenomorph vibe from them. They’re black and shiny. That’s it. Would’ve loved to see some of the actual design motifs from her

Unlike his human counterpart, this lion and his teachings truly should stay dead.

I don’t think his idolization of the Nazi aesthetic is as “complicated” as the director makes it out to be. He fetishized the uniform of genocidal antisemites and brought that influence to gay culture and it remains to this day. It’s improper to try to seperate the uniform from the ideology, the people who wore it,

I thought this article was going to be about Deadpool’s dick size!

I’m not familiar with his music. Oh my god though, this is horrifying. Wow. Thanks for sourcing what you said... I’ll keep this in the back of my mind for any time anyone mentions this racist pedophile.

why is everyone overlooking the fact that he did blackface on The Showbiz Show

A lot of meat industry slaughtering is definitely NOT humane, but otherwise I agree with your points

Looking past your stance on hunting - Ted Nugent is a pedophile?? I know he’s a HUGE bigot and piece of shit but pls provide #receipts on that

Their lives changing and having different priorities doesn’t justify being so terrible to their animals, though. And IIRC, the baby excuse wasn’t used for the incident with their dog, but the one with their cat. Like, I’m not necessarily against rehoming (and hey, I don’t know much - maybe having a cat that’s

ok but Mayim Bialik is jewish and unlike christians in America, jewish people are absolutely persecuted here - and in many other places worldwide as well
like I really don’t like her, she’s staunch supporter of Israel. but I don’t think it’s fair to compare the experiences of someone who is jewish in an antisemitic

Rachel Dolezal deserves to me mocked and shit on, but queer and non-binary people don’t. Please keep us out of your shitty hypotheticals.

sounds fake but ok