
What about Sean Spencer and Mike Pence tho?

Read the numerous statements from Zeke about this. He KNEW something could happen, but there’s a difference between knowing/trying to prepare for it and it actually happening.
Much less it happening in such a horrible way.

I agree. Though I’m also afraid that this will cast Zeke in a bad light. He’s literally the victim for what Jeff CHOSE to do. Zeke has to live with being betrayed via outing by someone he thought was cool. And Jeff is getting the consequences for his disgusting actions.
But cis people won’t see it that way... :(

Thank you for getting this, fuck. The comments on this article are REALLY getting to me, as a trans person. Trans people deserve to be able to fucking do what they want to do without assholes using it against them and people victim blaming them when they’re justifiably upset.

Read his statements. He knew that the cat could come out of the bag without him bringing it up. He was prepared, as was CBS. But he did not at all expect to be outed in such a horrible way by someone who he not only looked up to, but considered a friend, during said “friend’s” leaving, to literally defame his

Yes, he was aware that this was a possibility. He was prepared to maybe reveal his transness if he wanted to but he wasn’t prepared to be outed in such an especially manipulative and disgusting way.
I cannot stress to you enough that you need to read his interviews/articles on the matter.

It didn’t happen in his previous season because he didn’t want to be known as The Trans Survivor Contestant, to both the audience AND the other contestants. Because then he’d be the token and put on a pedestal and not be allowed to be himself or for everyone watching to get to know him as HIMSELF, not as The Trans Guy

He didn’t want to be known as The Trans Survivor Contestant, to both the audience AND the other contestants. Because then he’d be the token and put on a pedestal and not be allowed to be himself or for everyone watching to get to know him as HIMSELF, not as The Trans Guy TM. Both he and CBS arranged it so that he’d be

No, Zeke DID know. The producers knew, he told them, and they decided to let him take the reigns on how/if he’d come out on the show and when. Read all of Zeke’s statements, articles, as well as Jeff Probst’s on the matter. The issue isn’t that he never thought his transness would be revealed on the show, it’s that

No, Zeke DID know. The producers knew, he told them, and they decided to let him take the reigns on how/if he’d come out on the show and when. Read all of Zeke’s statements, articles, as well as Jeff Probst’s on the matter. The issue isn’t that he never thought his transness would be revealed on the show, it’s that

“stating that he hadn’t realized Smith wasn’t out as transgender.”

snope, snope, hologram snope

Yeah, that’s exactly what he was doing. Credit to Zeke for hugging him, although I’m sure a lot of it was social pressure and expectation- I wouldn’t touch him with a 100 foot torch. Like... What this asshole did doesn’t surprise me, because cis people are always willing to throw us under the bus when it’s convenient

You got your odds backward, I’m sorry to say. As a trans person, I’m completely surprised that everyone handled this as they did. We’re still shit on by and large by cis people; one of the reasons outing is so disgusting (on top of it crossing boundaries and privacy and exposing people) is because trans people are

“A familiar face join the Young Mutants of X-Men Blue”

I’ve never read much of the Peanuts strips, but I love reading Kevin and the commentariats’ analysis. I’d imagine what you say is true, but in a way it’s also sort of part of the problem. Linus gets to be his own character, with his own motiviations and struggles and shortcomings and quirks, with his friendship with

Higher up than that - think about what he represents. How he was made, and by who. He was created by two Jewish second gen citizens at the height of WWII, a year before the US got into the fray. Hitler was being a genocidal fascist antisemite, so these two people, who is ideology threatened with imprisonment, torture,

Perverting a character like this can make for interesting story telling. But considering Captain America was made as a fantasy hero by two kids of Jewish immigrants who were forced to bear antisemitism all over the board and who made him to fight against it, this is just fucking absurd. I mean, for fuck’s sake, they

Just like the Other Spencer, Nick Spencer deserves a good ol’ swing to the jaw. Or twelve.

Sounds like Axel Alonso and Nick Spencer sure are good with those alternative facts!