
It’s unfortunately not surprising that whites swung this election; my point is that the majority of whites from very varying demographics *still* voted for someone they were fully aware is a detestable bigot. More white women voted for him than Hillary, for example, even though he’s objectified women at every single

You didn’t disprove my point though? My point is that white people, no matter how educated, still elected Trump by majority, no matter how close.

It’s not even a matter of a lack of education. It’s a matter of whiteness. From what I recall, whites of every demographic voted majority for him.

STID whitewashed Khan.

Taika Waititi being super attractive made me want to see this, but your write-up sold me on it!!

Thank you for saying what you did with your first few posts here. As someone who has BPD and has a close friend with Bipolar, I’m really fucking pissed off at this comment chain overall.

jsyk if you’re talking about Gaga - she herself is bi, if I recall correctly. so she’s not just an ally.

Look up the case of Gavin Grimm Laverne mentions at the start. He’s a trans boy. IIRC he had the approval of his high school’s administration to use the men’s bathrooms, and it was only made into a problem when parents started complaining. I do think you have a good point though!!

Did any one else notice how startled and thrown off Laverne looked when the host asked if she should use the men’s room? Her expression went from “listening” to like “holy shit” after visibly starting and honestly the way she blinked and swallowed looked to me like she was fighting the urge to cry. She looked hurt,

how does she feel about transgender women? frankly, the label “second wave radical feminist” gives me the heebie jeebies because of how many of them absolutely shit on trans women in so many fucking ways.

He’s so hot, I’m dying. Loved him since he was Owain!

white people

White nationalism. White people.

Or they could stop setting ridiculous numbers.

I’m not at all doubting that a lot of schadenfreude in her loss is coming from misogynist men, but I, a transfeminine non-binary person, am getting schadenfreude because she’s a transmisogynist.

Thank you for pointing this out - I was going to, if no one else had. She kind of got victim-blamed by her own kid. She needs to have a talk with them if she hasn’t already...

Typo spotted:

I feel like Annalise Keating and Leia Organa have lots in common. Viola would nail it!

“It shouldn’t have gotten out of hand, no not at all,” she said. “I am by far not racist.”

Please ban all of them. These people have no care for trans peoples’ humanities and identities. Don’t afford them what they refuse to afford us.