
“Thing is, this is Guzma’s old house—you know, the leader of Team Skull?”
Got any sources for this?? Haven’t seen proof of this in game

Neo Nazis felt empowered enough to get Trump the Republican nomination. Specifically regarding them, the results didn’t matter. If Trump won, if Hillary won, if it ends up being that there was vote manipulation and Hillary really was the winner - whatever the outcome, they would use the results as a call to arms.

Uh... a 19 year old and 15 year old? What the fuck, thats gross!

Yeah, hence the deconstruction of exit polling done by the article I linked

Your statistics are very off.

RimWorld’s code does not seem to allow for the existence of straight women who only find men attractive. Nevertheless, Sylvester says the women in the game tend to mostly wind up with men. That’s due to the code making it more likely for men in the game to approach the people to whom they are attracted. The men court

“In the novels, Grindelwald, a powerful dark wizard, and Dumbledore were close friends—and even planned to lead a revolution that would’ve exposed Wizards and Witches to the Muggle world—until a duel between Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth saw their friendship fall apart.”

I read “fetching” as “felching”

This gives me the willies. I literally just flew down to Miami from O’Hare with AA earlier this month and flew back about a week ago. This is really scary to me and I would’ve had a panic attack for sure.
I hope everyone’s okay!

No, some kids are just fine alone and others aren’t. Just like adults and everyone else.

because sex work is one of the few avenues of making money many marginalized people have, and the world fucking hates marginalized people

While I agree that Ozzy - and the cheaters - are absolutely the most at fault, their mistresses that *know* they’re married are also at fault. People owe one another kindness and respect, and if not that, basic human fucking decency. Even to strangers. As she knew he was married and has a family, she owed not doing

Ugh, god -- does anyone else remember that WWE had a fucking wrestling match between Rosie and Trump imposters when this was at the crux of pop culture?

negging and gaslighting are his entire platform and personality

Can you please not link Autism Speaks? They’re an exploitative and ableist organization that many autism spectrum people have issue with, and there are plenty of other places you could use as a source that aren’t gross out there

“Has become”

This Just In: Two Rich People Might Vote For Rich Candidate Who Will Ensure Their Future Richness

mary christmas

Imagine if he hosted with Nadiya!!!! I’d love the show even more then!