
Noooooooooooo I love them as hosts ;-;

Cher’s said some really gross stuff though

I’m real relieved nothing exploded with fire because not only was this fool wearing shorts, but there was a tree hanging directly overhead that would’ve caught fire instantly.

I didn’t much care about this, until the line:

The closing line!! Lmfao!

“Ryan Steven Lochte. Rearranged, those letters spell “Solve Thy Entrance.” It also spells “Oh, Tentacles Envy.””

No, the mushroom is crying!

I know, right? And it’s not like she said that no one could be upset or grieving or that she never let them have space for it ever, just that she didn’t want to see it at this particular instance during her end-of-life party. I don’t know how she felt about her oncoming death, but I can imagine her plate was very full

Hines and everyone in upper management that thought this article was a good idea should be sacked. Including whomever “edited” it for “content”. Editing it after the fact can’t un-out someone.

The writers had previously PROMISED they wouldn’t kill her because fans were so afraid they would.

Candis Cayne and Chandi Moore are lovely, too!

“You don’t like me now, but you will soon!”


Not as nearly as bad as ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER

Would that stop her from bastardizing her own ch—

She really gets the shit end of the stick. This is like, complete bastardization of her character... (posted more in my own comment above)

I knew from reading the leaks that this play was shit to Hermione, but you pretty much spelled it out verbatim here. Like literally the only way it doesn’t flanderize her is that in the alternate universe she’s at the top of the Voldemort-run Ministry’s most wanted list.

Did you mis the “ then immediately pins her down by the throat, erotic asphyxia-style, when she comes around,” part?

How big?

I doubt she did anything wrong, the OP is probably misconstruing something