
“4Chan” “risque humor” “ironic charm”

“Onyx” and permutations of “Evie” have been names for a long time though outside of Pokemon?

oh yeah of course. i read “conduct analysis on gender” though as coercive, though that doesn’t seem to be what you meant

I don’t think Blanche would like analysis of anyone’s gender identity, as she would believe the only gender analysis a person should be doing is of their own.

No, Xena/Gabrielle *was* canon, just implied, not directly stated.

Our justice system should be about rehabilitation, but it isn’t.

I wonder if the reason for removing Superman’s red undies in the comics was because DC foresaw them looking like a thong in his eventual Dimensions portrayal!

Those hearts don’t even look that similar though like... ????????

I’d say the baby doll is pretty accurate. It perfectly captures his uncomfortable whining face and his tiny, tiny hands!

How is them pretending he’s the victim of numerous terror attacks ruining his reputation though???

“All around me are familiar pussies, no-skin faces, no-skin faaaaaces...”

*a giant masculine burly man breaks through your window, screaming* BECAUSE BLUE IS FOR BOYS

“Unlike Ebola, Chikungunya, and Dengue, there are not yet any reported cases of Zika virus infection being treated with ozone, vitamin C, or hydrogen peroxide.”

This is bullshit.

Unfortunately, biphobia is alive and well still...

“As a son loves a mother”

Personally, I’m much more a fan of the two movies that round out the foursome: Jacob’s Eels and Jacob’s Escalators.

people love to brush aside transphobia, the sheltering of pedophiles, etc

Facebook defending a ~free-speech~ loving shitsack on their board and making their whole platform about ~conversation~ really proves a point about how their abuse and offensive speech policies really are just lip service. All talk, no substance. I can’t overstate how many times I’ve reported something disgusting and