
I don’t get why people are scared by Zygons, or why they’re supposedly well-known and well-liked??

I’d contest that Buffy’s father was emotionally abusive, at least post-divorce. We saw very much how torn up she was about it and the fact that he didn’t make much effort to see her after. Neglect.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, this is potentially a great step for a lot of reasons. I hope these will be very accessible and very cheap.

Aslan aka stumpy-legged Jesuslion

Garnet can’t just be “seen as gay”, she IS gay. Any relationship between two people of the same gender is gay. The gems are non-binary, I’d say agender, and they’re confirmed over and over explicitly to be in a romantic relationship. There is nothing straight about Garnet. Honestly her response in The Answer to the

thank you jfc

as if a child wouldn’t be completely okay with this if their parents didn’t shit their pants about it

Cishets always see LGBTQAIP+ depictions of romance, sexuality, and gender as violent and interent attacks on the cultural force of cisheteronormativity.

It’s just blatant homophobia. I hope the main branch of Cartoon Network punishes and fires those responsible in the UK branch for propogating this bullshit.

Kylo was very heavily wounded from Chewie’s boltcaster or whatever it’s called when he was fighting Finn. He wasn’t anywhere near full power when they were fighting, but he was when he used the Force to stop Poe’s blast at the beginning of the film.
He was also pretty clearly toying with Finn. As soon as he got

“Obviously, she should be in there instead of Finn.”

I feel like they should’ve made the heads themselves a bit taller. Frieza and Krillin’s heads look so strange because there aren’t any headpieces or hair for them...

To do quality work? Like convince people to buy combos? To move the cheese over .2 centimeters? Nope.

Well, my city DID just get record amounts of white stuff falling from the sky...

I’m not sure what genre it’d be counted as, but I’d definitely have Stonewall on this list. It paid for its racist transmisogyny very very dearly.

Oh my god the Jedi Killer and Darth Talon ideas in #1 would be SO COOL. 7 and 8 would be rad, too.

A few years ago I watched Elvira’s take on this and I laughed so hard I wept.

I’m very okay with that!

The one without the homophobia and transphobia, definitely.

I’m neurodivergent and need those things, too. Here’s what I try to think, if you’d like to read it (if not, feel free to opt out):