  • “The first half of the episode toys with showing us a much more free-wheeling and irresponsible version of River than we’ve ever seen before.”

Don’t forget Vastra and Jenny!

“What are the spheres even for?”

“She starts off like that in S6 but the Moffat’s convoluted plotline just did her in as she got roped into being the Doctor’s assassin/wife/daughter of her best friends.”

oh yeah, like the one with a little town called Christmas which had the Doctor regenerate?

That’s clearly a robot trying to make human expressions.

You can’t forget “superfood”!

“Paps” is short for “paparazzi”. Sorry, should’ve clarified that in the original comment!!


Both he and Vader needed respirators to breathe...

I just read earlier tonight that they didn’t film them grieving together because paps would’ve spotted it and drawn the conclusion that Han Solo Is Dead Y’all and leaked it to everyone. Same reason Han hasn’t yet had a big sendoff. They’d fill in the blanks. I’m sure both happened, they just haven’t been shown.


Here’s some of the biggest changes between the book (which was presumably written from a near-final draft of the script, as is the case with many movie novelizations) and the final movie.

I think “sort of a dork” is an understatement. He’s SUCH a dork and I love him so much tbh

Just wanna say, being unable to function without attachments and needing strong emotional support networks for emotional health isn’t at all a sign of immaturity. A lot of neurodivergent people need both those things, and those aren’t anything to do with maturity or lack thereof.

I don’t disagree with you - but consider the following:

Pffft, who says Finn’s straight!

I’m sure you’ve gotten tons of notifications over this but his name’s John Boyega, not Daniel~~

Bros? Nope. Boyfriends, y’all.

“She went immediately to Rey, didn’t bother much with Chewy... the lifelong friend of them both.”