
I think you’re being a bit generous when you say the endless re-trodding “variations”!

Biggest mistake the show made. Jack wasn’t interesting, nor was he entertaining.

Jodie Mills! That didn’t stop her from having many extremely near scrapes with Death though. I really hope Charlie will be revived, but of course it will never undo that they fridged her, much less the repulsive way in which they did it.

Never seen GT, never want to, I don’t like him at all. That sucks. Thanks for the info. I hope she gets into Marvel in a major role somehow, third time’s the charm right? :(

Something involving Trump? Classy? Absolutely not.

I’ve never heard of or seen him before but Good Lord of Thunder sign me the hell up for this.

What did Jack Black do to screw her out of the role?

Like Xena, but with Sif. YES PLEASE.

Thanks for the correction and explanations! I agree with everything you’re saying. I like sentimentality and sweetness in writing, but Moffat overdoes it to the point where it feels... projected. Fake. That’s nothing on the actors, just his shit writing.

tbh, the whole function of shows having or being about Good Relateable Cops is copaganda, so it wouldn’t be surprising.

“four cops straight out of the academy, before they can be corrupted” probably should’ve been the joke of the show.

Perhaps agender.

:| My intention in saying “nothing I said later has to do with the former” was to illustrate that my initial comment was a non-related list of smaller responses to your overall comment. It was standalone commentary. I didn’t write an essay, I didn’t write something that was a thesis followed by support and a

I haven’t really seen the “dear reader” thing done well, but that’s at least in part due to the fact that it always sort of jars me out of suspension of disbelief and immersion.

I don’t know what you’re pretending to be on about to play ‘gotcha’. Nothing I said later has to do with the former. My point in the former is that biological sex is a construct and that it’s not fair to many, many people to refer to uteruses and such as “female”. That’s what I was illustrating, not the use of

Bride’s is breathtaking. Wow.

I never saw the film, but it’s too bad this series is ignoring Godfrey Gao’s role. He’s amazing.

Thanks for the information and recommendation!!

Holy shit, what is that from? That’s an INCREDIBLE look oh my god

It’s alarming to me that people blame this on younger watchers considering the vast majority of people who are saying this kind of trash themselves were young viewers.

I liked both episodes in some degrees, but overall feel pretty neutral about them. I’ve seen worse, I’ve seen better. Some excellent moments within, but