
I didn’t call anyone transphobic in this comment chain prior to this sentence of this post. I said, and I quote,

I was wondering if maybe it’d be like one or two movies are part of each universe :3

12? Hmmm... how many DBZ movies are there that aren’t canon?

There is never, ever any need to bring up a person’s birth name. If the Olympics commission are more than willing to change the information about Caitlyn in the Olympics history, you should be too. Anything else is transphobia.

White entitlement. No.

Come the fuck on — she hurt black people by putting on blackface for nearly a fucking decade! She deprived qualified black people who could’ve had her jobs of the opportunity! She is hurting black people, right now!

Compulsive lying isn’t being true to one’s self.

Her name is Caitlyn Jenner. Or Caitlyn. That’s all, don’t address or reference her by her assigned name that she has made it clear she does not identify with.

Since running into the concept of “transracial identity” regarding “I am/was born white but I ID with/am [x] inside” thing a few years ago, I’ve been trying to figure out WHY that particular concept was created in the first place. It’s clear who uses it, but /why/? Comments section on articles about this horrible

Don’t compare a white woman in years-long blackface to gay people or transgender people. What the fuck. Thank before you write!

If she were wearing wigs, why not cut down that sixhead to a five-point-fivehead?

Same. In every single other circsumtance I’d believe her... but she’s proved that she’s willing to lie and manipulate. She fucking invented a black father she didn’t have, and she tried to pass off at least one of her black adopted siblings as her own kid. She has lied to such length and degree about her experiences

I’m sorry to tell you, I’m so, so fucking sorry to tell you, but it has. It has gone there. At least one commenter has done it and gotten enough upvotes to be an “approved” reply. At least a dozen, I think.

Flag every single comment where you see it. If you can, fight back. We cannot tolerate transmisogyny, we cannot

Since she seems to be a manipulator, I wonder if she’s been doing the same to him. He knows, but perhaps he was afraid to say anything due to the consequences she’d put him under...

I’m putting faith in people in the comments section that they’ve already addressed your racism and transmisogyny at length. But here’s sometihng you need to be aware of:

I’m afraid to ask. What is transablism?

I made the mistake of looking in the comments of the Buzzfeed article and saw it there, too. It makes me want to die. We should all start flagging this kind of bullshit on here.


Sex isn’t genetic. Sex is just as much as a social construct as gender is. They’re pretty much the same thing.

“Transracial” iis an actual word that many adoptees of color use to refer to their experiences with having white adoptive parents. I... have no idea when using the word the original commenter started, but so it’s also appropriation of that and is further shitting on people of color. “Transracial” in the “I was born