
Gender /does/ have an extensive violent history in slavery. Black women were slaves in the US, too, and faced not only racism and sexism but the way they intersect with one another. Black women are oppressed for being women, for being black, *and* for being black women.


I think it’s 8. The number immediately preceding the ? is the integer before it x2. So 4 x 2 would be 8.

Not only an egg, but also an incredibly heavy-handed pro-life metaphor! Two for one!

Laverne Cox AND Gina Torres as Wonder Woman!! How about a show where WWs from two different universes team up? That’d be SO cool

TIL there’s a difference between “grey” and “gray”

Cat and Niko’s wasn’t a Rockabillygoat, it was a kid who sold their soul to the devil to become punk. The rockabillygoat one was done by Tess and Matt and was bright orange and had a pompadour

Rayce! :D

That was Niko that did the magnetism mutant makeup, not George

Isn’t Tessa dead though? Didn’t they kill her off when she’d joined up with fallen angels angry?

I haven’t seen him in most things, but by gods is he HOT

There’s a ton of fanfic that’s worked with these ideas very well - and much better than the show at this point would if it even tried

Nah, they just gave all duties over to the same people who wrote the Racist Truck Episode back in the first season.
Also tbh the 200th episode was not good

Not neessarily. One of the show’s hugest gaping problems has always been how little death means.
If they’re going this route, they’re going to have to be very, very careful.

That’s SPN in a nutshell. That should be its official tagline, viewable on TV ads, IMDB, Netflix, DVDs...

Oh, so instead of having bi erasure, we’d have bi erasure? Wow, what a good tradeoff.

Can you imagine how much potential this show annihilated by not going to a sort of ensemble cast? Or at least having six or a dozen really important characters who were allowed to have actual arcs?

At least S6 and S7 didn’t have one of the characters be raped and then immediately turn it into a joke by the end of the episode.

I’m deeply offended you didn’t mention Charlie at all!

he should also be of Jewish and Romani descent but neither company seems to have given a fuck about not whitewashing him.