
What made Donna special was Donna, not what the Doctor did to her without her consent.

Only if it undoes him wiping her memories against her will ;_;

“how they’ve been true to the source without screwing up said source”

*looks at completely whitewashing Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch’s Jewish-Romani heritage with casting and story and literally having them start off associated with Nazis*

Literally the only interesting thing aside from maybe Star Wars is Moana.
The fact that they’re going ahead with Ghost in the Shell, much less with Scarlett Johannson, is quite an insult.

you do realize that gay men can still be in love with women right

I want LGBTQAIP+ characters in good films. Bad films. Mediocre franchises. Everywhere!

ok yes sexuality is obviously on a spectrum but that doesn’t mean ~everyone’s a little bit bi~ or some shit. that erases both people who actually ID as bi and those who I identify in monosexual manners. obviously the “full gay” comment is gross and it carries the implication of bi people being “half gay” and fuck that

what I don’t get is why he can’t be allowed to be bi? and why is the implication that bi is “half gay” necessary? why handle this in the most fucking inept manner

“I’m not gay but I might as well be” like holy gods, why do this? why not just actually have him be queer?

“Plus, he can only control his powerful blasts with prophylactic sunglasses.”

I wish both would affect movie continuity. there’re like zero explicitly LGBTQAIP+ characters in that mess

not even always just in order to pass, either - gay men can love a woman just as much as straight men can. but that doesn’t change their overall self-identified sexuality

you do realize that gay men can still be in love with women right

i don’t like the implications here that bisexuality is “half gay”.


I hope he wins the lawsuit. I'd love to see people to stop holding Whedon up as a bastion of Amazing Creativity.

People trying to capitalize off the slavery, maiming, torturing, and murdering of black people, even centuries after they've been killed, is very much indicative of capitalism and whiteness.

"Authorities decided to fine LaLaurie and force the sale of the other slaves on the estate."

Is it just me or does she look very much like Tarja Turunen?

Try singular they~