
"I guess you'd have to define what love is. Is it sexual attraction?" Love is hard to pin down perhaps, but there are many different types. Sexual attraction is part of some and not others. Same for romantic attraction. All loves should all be equally considered as valid kinds of love.

Very good questions, though. I assume that for whatever reason Cybermen can't be made out of nothing, perhaps they need some sort of organic matter to convert. Bones count as that, but then you run into questions like, "How do skeletons in metal suits walk without no muscles?" and, "How can they talk without and

Because Moffat needed an excuse to be able to include a self-referential "Why didn't anyone think of this before!?" asspat!

Especially considering it had been constant rain and the ground should've been muddy and slippery. Someone should make art of Cyberzombies stuck in the mud.

Mitochondrion? Midichlorians? Or both?

Mortician's Last Thought: "Oh my god, how did I not notice that cadaver was totally actually a giant fucking metal man!?"

"All men, women, and children," are turned into Cybermen. For once, I'm quite happy that my identity as a nonbinary person excludes me from something. I'm just gonna go grab my fellow nb people and host a not-Cybermen party, bye.

Why water and not something silver? "It wasn't rain. It was pollen. Cyberpollen." That's the... that's by far one of the worst sentences I've heard in the entirety of nuWho. Christ, I can't even articulate how personally insulted that sentence made me feel. There were several moments in this episode that made me itch

I... don't think that's how cloud data works. Besides - why on Earth is re-uploading the deceased's souls/minds/whatevers even necessary in the first place?

Yes! I read that post, too. It was basically along the lines of RTD having already had an explanation in mind for why the Pompeii guy and the dude from Torchwood looked like twins, and that he shared it with Moffat in hopes he could use it since the twins are now triplets in that they're all played by Capaldi.

Missy was killed by Cybrigadier, though...

I didn't really like this finale, but then again, pretty much all of them have been weird or bad or poorly executed in one way or another. You had me at "The Doctor turning into Dobby".

As a resident of the United States, I can verify your comment. The United States would be more than willing, however, to enter into an international agreement to allow a time-travelling American to take control of the world.

"Can we also talk about the implausibility of all those Cybermen being actually buried in graves? What was the point of that? Did Missy really have all of those metal bodies put underground just waiting for the moment they could rise up like something out of a B-list horror movie? And how did they get on the plane

dat bi erasure...

YOU... YOU DAMN DIRTY DOUBLE-CLOPPER! *drowns self in bleach*

Okay, oh god, why did you do that. Whhhhhy did you do that. That clown's face hasn't even gotten to me in the damned show itself, but how you just used it was appaling. 10/10 got chills and felt the need to run.

THAT'S HOW I READ IT, TOO. I was like, "OH MY GOD, WHAT? DID THIS PERSON JUST..." and then I reread it.

Everything you're saying is completely valid and true, I just wanted to weigh in on your probably rhetorical question of "Why would anybody believe that a... killer would embed his real name in letters to the authorities?" One word: Hubris. I don't know as much about the case as many people, but based on what little

"The guy they suspect is named Gaikowski, put all 3 together and you get his name, which he (the killer) mentioned in his letters that his name would become clear with the KEY." At first, I was like, what? How do... and then when I realized what you meant, I got shivers. GYKE, AUSE, KEY. Holy shit, that's hardcore.