
One of the things I've read speculation on is that Moffat is exploring what it means for The Doctor to be a hero. It's a cool idea and can be done well, but I feel that the way he chooses to examine it, in this incredibly stifling and insular way, really hinders the result.

I saw someone suggest in the comments over there that she could've been Jenny, from The Doctor's Daughter. To me, that would've been amazing. Her character is pretty unexplored, and her lines would've made more sense. Though this would add a gross weird incest vibe (re: the sexual harassment via kissing, "my

I already posted most of my thought on this episode over on the article on io9 itself, but I'd just like to underscore two things: the way the Mistress is being handled is incredibly cissexist, and her character would've been so much more interesting if she weren't just another Master reincarnation.

In the same way that Nic Cage's hairline is guaranteed to be hither and tither.

Yes, it's very ballsy to turn a relationship that had been homoerotic into one between a man and a woman and make the latter refer to the former repeatedly as her boyfriend, assault him via nonconsensual kissing, etc. So ballsy. As ballsy as rednecks who dangle fake balls from the back of their pickup trucks.

That would've been SO GOOD. Would've made the "I AM you" comment so much more impactful and meaningful, too. I'm not sure why she'd go evil, though. Fanfic writers, assemble!

Something that MEGAenrages me is the inherent doublecissexism in the Master regenerating "into a woman" and then saying "well I couldn't still go with Master now could I?"

Why did Missy even kill the adorable Doctor Chang?

I really liked that things that were really obvious were given an in-Afterlife explanations that made sense. Stuff that would kill immersion and take both the viewer and Danny right out of the experience and pick up on how fishy everything is. The sound of a person screaming was because they "donated their body to

"A civilian casualty, who's still just as traumatized by being killed by Danny as Danny is by killing him." I think you should reconsider that sentence.

"Why didn't anybody ever think of that before?" Oh my god, when Missy said that, it was AWFUL. So cringey. That was almost as bad as the whole "Sherlock Holmes is totally based on my OCs!!!!" moment that I'm pretty sure was in the 2012 Christmas special (it was either that or one of the Paternoster Gang episodes).

Craigslist Ad: Now seeking live-in scientists willing to help me create a travel device so we may go to the alternate universe(s) in which this film was made.

"Earth as it's seen by UFOs." sooo, from space? i bet he just googled pictures of Earth from space taken by the ISS or lunar landings or various telescopes. or are we supposed to believe it was in smell-o-vision or something? lmao

OH MY GOD. I hadn't even thought of that in comparsion. Jesus christ. Like... that's practically dedication to an utter lack of cohesion.

Pictured: Steven Moffat when asked to maintain consistency and continuity. I'll bet you a fish that if anyone ever points this out to him, his answer will be a handwave containing

I don't get how people don't see the anti-med aspect - the narrative went out of its way to allow the Doctor space to chastize humans for using medication at *least* twice in the span of 45 minutes, and the who episode was structured to support it.

The most important thing I've learned from this episode, other than Trees are Our Friends and Don't Medicate/Seek Treatment for Children with Mental Illness, Disability, or Trauma is: If You Shine a Flashlight in a Siberian Tiger's Face, it Will Totally Fuck Off.

The Doctor defended wanting to save Earth, saying, "This is my world too." It's funny because he was very quick to disown the Earth in Kill the Moon.

This episode was filmed with a potato on acid on a jackhammer.

That the people of Earth were expected to just forget was particularly jarring considering there were multiple scenes in which the children took selfies in the forest and news clips from around the world were shown... Like, you can't have it both ways. You can't do that without following through the consequences. You

I can usually understand everything everyone says pretty well, but I felt like the audio for this episode was a little strange. Sort of unfinished??