
Better yet: Hunson Abadeer IS Missy, and Clara is the Vampire Queen. *U*

Re: the anti-vax/anti-meds message: I TOTALLY FELT IT TOO. Like, so this little girl who suffered from huge emotional trauma and loss and heard voices that were apparently the Earth's tree consciousness and The Doctor implies humans are ignorant for giving her medication or other psychiatric treatment.

I hate it when it's done for the entire film, but I think it can actually be really useful if done sparingly. Like, in The Hunger Games franchise - it reflects the narrative shift from times of calm and insight to times of anxiety and the need to keep moving, moving, moving.

I wasn't saying that it was necessary to 'balance the scales', I said that because people were acting as if they had been.

Reminded me of Lemarchand's box. Both are boxes of pain and pleasure, one just in a slightly more BDSM sense!

"Many of these episodes are standalones that are held together by the developing character arc and not by the mystery coming at the end with Missy." That was something I loved about RTD's run. Season four exemplifies this. I'm glad to see that come back in what seems to be full force.

YES. I loved this episode, up until that point. I was hoping he really would FINALLY be like, "Okay, yeah. You were good. You were amazing, Clara Oswald!" and give her the validation that she has always deserved from him. But no, he's got to be a piece of shit and always knock her down a peg. Come the fuck on, Doctor.

I want Rigsy to come back. There was totally a moment were I was thinking the Doctor would offer him a chance to travel. He was absolutely adorable and both he and Clara proved wholeheartedly that The Doctor really underestimates human creativity, at least anymore.

I think they were referencing when she took them there in Hide.

I don't think most of what Clara did re: lying this episode stacks up at all to some of the shit the Doctor has pulled. She hasn't treated a person as a mystery to be solved and lied about it to their face multiple times, for example. She hasn't willingly gotten someone involved in a situation that could end their

I got the impression she clued everyone in on the final plan. Everyone was like, "Are you sure this is going to work? This smells like bullshit." And honestly, by that point, no one had any other options. The situation was dire enough that I don't think they'd walk away if she told them the plan, which I think she did.

THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THIS. This is something I've caught but haven't been sure how to approach it. Especially considering Danny /has/ displayed some disturbing control traits, this makes it ever more obvious.

I don't like it because I don't understand why everything a woman does has to revolve around or cause conflict with the men in her life. I don't dislike Danny (though he really rubs me wrong sometimes, like when he tells Clara to come to him when the Doctor pushed her too far and that you can't be done with someone as

That was a brilliant line. I thought my face would crack from the wide smile it caused!

Good riddance. Far too many films have spoiled themselves with awful, awful trailers. A trailer should be nothing more than a fleeting taste to get people interested, it shouldn't give away the film's biggest moments or the big twist at the climax. If you don't know how to do that, then don't make trailers. For this

Why the eff isn't customization coming back???????????????????????

Scary man stole a Stormtrooper helmet, knocked out the eye panes, and painted it dark and gritty. Oooh, so scary. Brr.

Considering Black Widow is basically a hardcore undercover operative, I can imagine having to be identifiable and registered would impact her maybe even a bit more than anyone else in the MCU. It'd be cool if everything was played out from her perspective, I think.

is that Jake Gyllenhaal? wtf

Relationships like yours obviously exist, and they are by no means necessarily creepy or wrong or what have you. What they said wasn't a personal attack or condemnation of you. Also, presumably, your living situation is different because you likely aren't basically in a box in the middle of nowhere with no contact