
I haven't seen much Classic Who, but I would hope it wasn't full of the Doctor being emotionally abusive to his companions.

Er... didn't he make comments on her outfit and legs throughout her tenure?


I think you mean "MRA costumes".

Hunger Games: In 1970's Space

Let's have some fun, safari's sick. You wanna take a ride on my ostrich dick?

Unconvincing headpiece absolutely, but I would TOTALLY WEAR THIS

I like this one!

"According to the rumor mill that is Badass Digest, Avengers 3 won't be the end of a trilogy, but instead a vastly different movie in which Tony Stark stars without the other main Avengers, but instead a new wave of heroes such as Ant-Man and Doctor Strange."

I think it's cool as heck, especially the sort of opalescence it's got happening. I'm really curious as to how it would've looked on film.

Oh god, they just painted him white? Smgdfh...

See, but 12 could totally be a cantankerous dick without having to be a manipulative piece of shit. I'm fine with the former, but absolutely not the latter. And this isn't a pattern that he started - this was definitely going on with 11, too. Remember that even when inquiries came up, he didn't tell Clara about the

All I see of your reply is a lone period.

Except it's different when someone indirectly declares themself arbiter of what you get to know?It's one thing to be in a situation together, on an equal level of a lack of understanding, both not knowing unknowns or knowing what will happen, and being asked to make a huge decision. It's completely different when a

I wouldn't call it "psychopathic" because *anyone* can be an abuser. It's not limited to people with psychological disorders, differences, etc. Abuse and manipulation is normal behavior in our society.

It bothers me that people seem to be of the mind that criticizing a show means one must not like or love it. Because that's just a flagrantly wrong assumption to make. For me, and many others, criticizing something *is* an act of love and investment. I love DW and hate what it has become; I want to hold honest

And honestly, I don't think this happening is necessarily because of the character mix. I feel like that could become a convenient excuse to let Moffat off the hook for writing such a fucked up, abusive dynamic. Don't forget that *he* is the one in control of the characters, after all. And I don't know if doing either

I'm surprised more people haven't seen it yet, considering how many of the episodes this season contain the Doctor being a piece of shit to her about her age, appearance, weight, etc. It's waaaaay past the point of "oh, he's just being a bitey old man". It's so completely not okay.

I'm quite frightened that you think wanting full information so one can give informed consent and make informed decisions is "spoon-feeding and being infantalised".