
Clara wants to be fully informed about a situation before being dragged into it and forced to make an existence-altering decision about it.

It was my thought that such events and monstrosities frightened everyone off from space exploration. Explorspacion.

I thought that perhaps humans ceasing space exploration was both a reflection of our reality and the logical outcome of all the scary space happenings throughout the years - why would you want to throw yourself into a den of monsters who can easily kill/fart you to death?

You clearly do not understand what it is like to have self-worth issues.

See, she reacted to things like most kids (and most people) would. Even though it was offscreen, the Doctor saying she was nothing special really pissed me off at him, because you don't say that to someone, especially not to someone who is in a stage of life where they're already struggling and dealing with self-worth

Please don't use the r-slur.

That line infuriated me, it's such utter bullshit. Nice reference, though.

If you're gonna rehash the whole "they're bacteria they're working to protect the thing" like in the Dalek episode earlier this season, why not be more inventive about it? Why just have large spiders and call them "bacteria" other than making it so Courtney's spray works? Also, WHY THE FUCK DID COURTNEY JUST HAVE A

If they were going to go for something like this, this episode would've been much better as a two-parter.

I don't think Clara's message was just "either help or don't". She was absolutely in the right there, but it also seemed like a culmination of a lot of frustration on her part about how the Doctor keeps so much important information from her. He is completely a manipulative bastard. He is an emotional abuser. I never

"The humans in this story only know what the Doctor tells them. And he chooses to give them an incomplete picture of the situation, one which leads the humans to take drastic actions. It's almost as if the Doctor wants to be able to judge us for our destructiveness and rash stupidity. "

What I must wonder: why on Earth would you even WANT to be a highschooler for 100 years? It's not like high school is the only place where fit pasty white abled people are adored. Literally all of Western society (and many others, because colonialism and imperialism) is built around their worship.

What kind of beard styling products do you reckon Mr. Jones uses? Hm...


"Between the Doctor assuming that Clara is dating a slightly posh bow-tie-wearing bloke and his dismissive attitude towards her actual boyfriend, this episode gets into issues of class and race that are actually pretty uncomfortable and close to the bone for this show." It doesn't get into them, it invokes the spectre

"Danny makes Clara promise that if the Doctor ever pushes her too far, she'll come to Danny — or if she doesn't, then she and Danny are over. " This part really rubbed me the wrong way. Ultimatums like that are bullshit and sort of... I don't know if manipulative is the right word, but yeah, it was offputting as hell.

"He says that you can tell what people think of you by the lies they tell you — so what is Clara saying about Danny by keeping her adventures with the Doctor secret from him?"

Same here. I'm also rejoicing because it isn't another love triangle plot.

he's so ATTRACTIVE *implodes like the TARDIS*