
It's too bad it seems like all Star Wars media is so focused on telling the stories of the Jedi. The cancelled Darth Maul game would've been an amazing ride, from what it sounds and looks like.

The overall effect is similar to the ???? fetishists who wear those poorly-made rubber woman masks. Except maybe sort of actually attractive. Hmmm...


What had they been planning? :o

If your concept of "joy" includes sexism, homophoia, and racism, I'd rather be joyless. Please fuck off and have a nice day. :)))))))

This is the moment where I realized I totally had it for a giant metal man that could bench press several hundred of me. Blast those boxer briefs.

I've been thinking for a while how cool it would be to just have scripts for comics. Like in play format or something. Relevant to this article, it wouldn't stop sexism entirely (as a major issue is not only how comics show women but how they treat them as characters), but it would cut down on the visual element.


"I'd rather that culture not be nakedly contemptuous of the half of the human race that doesn't have a penis" Please don't empoly transmisogyny and cisnormativity. Or intersexism. Genitals =/= gender and sex, as they are both social constructs; womanhood is not exclusive to people with innie genitalia. Some have outie

Was about to post about this. Thank you for this

And then, when someone DOES make their own, the people who said the line in question start screaming like toddlers.

6) Also, it doesn't matter if it takes place in a fictional setting - sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc are REAL. They are ALWAYS REAL. They are ALWAYS IMPACTFUL. They are, themselves, acts of indirect violence towards groups of people, and the issue at hand, sexism in comics, perpetuates a culture

Wtf is this expression? Constipation?

"And second, at the end, we think the crying boy in his bed is Danny once again, but it's actually the Baby Doctor."

And Moffat.

thank you sooooo fucking much for this post. spot on!

Hopefully, they will take the hint.

Less, because it's all about the execution. For example, in s4, little hints that didn't seem connected were sprinkled around. Casual mention of the bees going missing, the Adipose homeworld no longer being around, the Doctor-Donna, etc, but no one new until the finale what these things *meant* or how they connected.

I'm so happy I'm not the only one that immediately thought that.

Oh. Ohhh shit. Perhaps he had something in his cheating arrows that he could detonate?