
She's also being treated as a person, and not nearly as much A Plot/A Mystery to Solve, so she can flourish now. Ideally.

I think that was their point...

That's capitalism for ya.

Uh... saying that, I'm not sure you truly get it. Whitewashing is a phenomenon that has many many decades of history. Taking roles of explicitly POC characters and giving them to white people is whitewashing. White people are overrepresented and already block POC from Hollywood. There is no small amount of Japanese

I'd pay my soul. And all of my friends' souls. I'd sell the moon if she got to play Wonder Woman. She's not right for this particular role, however - she's not Japanese.

Why the FUCK would they cast a white woman as a Japanese character in Japan? What the fuck!?

*high-five for number six*

I was just rewatching the last few episodes from season four in the marathon a few days ago, and I realized: the Dalek episodes can be so, SO GOOD... if they incorporate other themes than "holy shit, it's a Dalek". Add emotional weight and valid criticism of the Doctor and you're good to go. That two-parter was good,

I like Vastra and Jenny, and would like them to have more characterization. Strax, however, is incredibly irritating and grating and I would very much like him to leave.

What would enable the Master to be a woman that couldn't do the same for The Doctor? In reference to all the deserved hubbub last year when Moffat treated the desire of fans to have a woman Doctor as silly and the misogynist part of the fandom being inclined to agree with him.

"It rings false, or just pathetic, like an older man at a young sports bar trying to fit in." I think that was the point!

I'm hoping Capaldi will be able to salvage Moffat's lack of good or balance it out or something. Was "Eccles Cake" autocorrect's fault? Because I love it.

Good self-contained episodes do not a good showrunner make.

Three things:

The Doctor was also REALLY SHITTY to Clara through the duration of the ~~Impossible Girl~~ storyline - he purposefully kept information from her about her very identity, and that's super-duper fucked up. When he was forced to tell her in the episode with the centre of the TARDIS, she was rightfully confused and unsure

"And there are hints that Clara just wants someone she can control with her kittenish charm"

what on earth is happening with the anatomy of the one in blue? is she melting

I don't watch KLK, but I can tell you that there's plenty of good stuff of him out there. >8)

Two things:

That is an *awesome* profile. This design is pretty cool. I'd pay to read this as a comic.