He slaughtered it. I felt like Cheryl Tunt, giggling and clapping as he just kicked people in the face. The irony is, the “my nigga” was probably the only moment in the whole speech that could be considered sweet.
He slaughtered it. I felt like Cheryl Tunt, giggling and clapping as he just kicked people in the face. The irony is, the “my nigga” was probably the only moment in the whole speech that could be considered sweet.
Unwatchable? This is an odd opinion. We haven’t had a major protagonist die since the red wedding, unless we’re counting Tywin and Shae as people we should have cared about. And The Starks were split up almost immediately.
It’s not fake outrage. It’s a moronic law. It should upset any intelligent person. The NBA has LGBT employees who would have to travel to NC during All-Star Weekend.
Pre-1996 David Robinson was better than Pierce or Allen. The Robinson that Tim got to play with was not. And the team Tim won the ‘03 title with was possibly the worst championship team ever.
Indians isn’t even the biggest problem. Its Chief Wahoo. That logo is indefensible and the fact that the team has only discussed de-emphasizing that racist shit rather and not completely abandoning it is shameful.
They’re prefer the term “Republican.”
As I see it college sports has already ruined. College basketball is nearly unwatchable. College football, in their desperate quest to become NFL Jr., has rendered bowl games meaningless. Money has already broken college sports, only it’s done so without reaching the people who actually deserve it. It’s not as is if…
So since the schools refuse to pay the players, then no one should be allowed to pay the players. And so we should stick with a system where neither player can pay to remove the boot. I think we’re still mistaking equal for fair.The fact that every player will not earn the same amount is not a flaw. That is the free…
There’s not going to be a perfect solution. College sports is already unbalanced, so even if the scenarios you mention play out, all it really does potentially is shift which schools have an advantage. As for the negative team dynamic, that’s not really a flaw. As I said, the money isn’t coming from the schools, it’s…
Possibly. Why exactly would that be a problem though?
My position is this: If the schools don’t want to pay them, fine. But allow them pursue revenue elsewhere. Let the kids chase endorsement deals, and the market will decide who’s worth what. If the schools want to treat scholarships like salary, let them. But in the pros, a player’s salary and his endorsement money are…
I’m not even sure it requires any legal juju. EA was ready to move ahead with the game with a chunk of cash being set aside for the players. all that needs to happen is for the NCAA to stop being greedy dick pimples.
My argument has always been to not have the school pay them salaries, but allow players to have endorsement deals.
It all seems very strange. There seems to be a rush now to NOT describe these guys as terrorists, yet if this guy was swearing an oath to serve Allah, or even Christ for that matter, that’s exactly what we’d say he is.
Wait...why not?
That’s probably the root of his skepticism, that dinosaurs aren’t in the Bible. How hilarious is that?
Right. he conversation on HGH is essentially:
He rings little bell.
“Also, at least Trump is honest with his stupid fucking ideas.”
See, I’ve actually been working under the assumption that he’s a GOP plant. Throw a candidate into the mix that’s so far to the right that guys like Cruz and Rubio start to look like moderates.