Frasier and Weiss were charming enough that I found the second one pretty tolerable, though speaking of wrenchingly bad CGI, the Rock’s “cameo” as the Scorpion King was embarrassingly shoddy looking. The first one was legit good though.

Someone once told me: Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice.

Schwimmer got shit for saying he’d like to see a Friends-like show with a black cast, now? I mean yeah granted if you squinted you could see it as a diss against Living Single if you wanted but still, I’d have thought calling for more diversity would have outweighed that.

People also seem to forget that not everyone had Fox back then. Where I lived it was a cable channel and we did not have cable :)

It also explicitly contradicts how Lucas has consistently talked about the Force. “Balance” in the Force is the annihilation of the Dark Side, and I doubt he would ever accept a hero who incorporated both Light and Dark.

“It was because of 27-year-old dudes screaming that he’d murdered their childhoods.”

I love Ralph. And you are completely correct.

Yeah, it’s . . . hard to like Brent, or even care. But man, that sudden, yawning realization and repeated “no no no”’s. It was an existential crisis packed into one horrified moment, and played entirely straight. It was, however necessary, a nevertheless completely merciless moment.

Yeah, I don’t know what people are complaining about here. It was a competently-made action film with a few pretty good action scenes, that suffers by comparison mainly because it’s hearkening back to two of the most iconic action films of all time. But on its own? It’s competently-made, which is kind of both the

January Jones was cool as well...

I heard that it was immediately quarantined because it came back ... different.

Ugh, too soon. Take your stupid star, and also this VHS copy of highlights from the 1992 Dallas Cowboys’ thrilling march to the Super Bowl.

Misty and Colleen were dynamic together. I really wanted the Daughters of the Dragon show, or maybe a new Defenders show with them on equal footing with Danny and Luke and Jessica. 

To me, they were easily the best part of the MNU. I really hope we see them again.

That headline is a hell of a take tho.

It’s hard to find anyone who has ever worked for him and has a bad word to say. Seems like he prides himself on being a good boss. But he’s also notoriously sensitive and thin-skinned. Wouldn’t shock me to see a reaction along the lines of, “I’ve been Cool Boss all these years and this is how you repay me?”

Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.

That was what I was getting at with the second sentence. Everyone was losing subscribers but only the people who say politics was the reason ESPN ignore the other networks. 

The absolute only thing that will ever stand a chance of allowing the teams in less desirable cities to compete with the ones in sexy media capitals is to do away with all limits on the amount of money teams can spend on salaries, both in total and on individuals, so that teams in places like Salt Lake City and

“Luke and Vader did not have an epic fight in Empire