I was expecting the objection to be more substantive than, ‘The team sucks and the players are jerks.’ 

“...she did not view this incident the same way I did.”

No axe to grind, and you’re investing a lot of words into an incredibly bad argument. The girl didn't consent. He idea that we need videotape to prove that it was consensual when both parties involved say that it was not is ridiculous. When both the accuser and the accused agree on a detail, I think it's safe to

No, its not subject to interpretation. It’s right there. She didn’t consent. If she didn’t consent, then it’s rape. What do you all think “consent” means? 

Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did.”

It's not based on my personal beliefs.  It's based on my grasp of the English language. She said it wasn't consensual. He issued a statement saying he understood that it wasn't consensual. That makes it rape. 

I mean, he essentially  confessed. So I think I'm good?

This whole episode has been ridiculous, but the weird Living Single-Friends rivalry has always been kinda silly. Living Single was a good show. Friends was a good show. The idea that a person - specifically a black person - couldn’t enjoy both is stupid. And the notion that Schwimmer was being disrespectful by

It also shouldn’t be forgotten that Kobe for all intents and purposes confessed. So the idea that Leslie or anyone thinks that should be left out of the story is really kind of weird. 

It shouldn’t just cast a shadow. People should understand that whatever good Kobe did in his life - and he did plenty for sure - he also raped someone. 

This sounds significantly more enjoyable than TROS, if for no other reason the exclusion of Palpatine. Bringing him back into the story in such a sloppy way really taints TROS, so losing that detail is some serious addition by subtraction. 

They were very obviously changing things on the fly during the OT, and Lucas has admitted that most of episodes I and II was filler. Seventy percent of what he imagined for Vader’s backstory was scene in Episode III. 

And yet people loved the OT when there obviously wasn’t a roadmap for that one at the beginning either. 

The stuff in the casino wasn’t useless, it was necessary for Finn’s evolution. This scene only works after Crait. 

I’m not sure that’s true. You can be 100 % supportive of free speech and 100 % supportive of the Hong Kong protestors and still see that Morey’s tweet was a bad idea. Yes, it’s the risk of doing business with China, but there was no reason for Morey to invite that risk in this instance. And practically, there was no

Morey’s place in all of this is tying me in knots. It would be disgusting for the league to fire him. But also, the league should fire him for putting them in this spot. Is it possible to believe both things? 

In a way, this attitude is why it’s taken this long for them to find something to hang impeachment on in the first place. People have been waiting around for a smoking gun and ignoring the fact that this dope has been leaving fingerprints, and hair and fibers all over the damn place. It’s why the Mueller report

I’ve really enjoyed these books, but I figured the end was nigh. If the rumors about the time jump between TLJ and ROS are true, then I’m wondering if the series wouldn’t pick up with Rey/Finn/Poe in those years.

Sony already controls the profit flow. Marvel wanted a 50/50 split. Which on it’s face seems fair, but is an enormous increase from where they were.