He was on celebrity wife swap last year.
Your roommmate's sister? The fuck? Why am I supposed to care what she thinks?
When my father was in college, he worked part-time as security for the university's basketball arena. It was a popular venue for tours back in the day. His most memorable experience was when he was asked to escort Dolly Parton to her trailer after her sound check so she could get ready for the show. And please note,…
I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for…
Being pregnant made me realize the importance of abortion access even more profoundly than before. Even though all my pregnancies have been welcomed (one was even specifically planned!), it is nevertheless an often uncomfortable, mental and physical takeover. Additionally, being a parent irrevocably changes your life…
I neither need nor accept a lecture on the sanctity of life from somebody who revels in the virtues of gun ownership.
Sarah Palin thinks that now that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant, her mom Hillary might change her stance on abortion.…
Nonsense. No way those heels could be the most comfortable.
You're missing the best part. The blurred out section near her left collar bone is a diamond broach that says 'Bitch'.
I kept hitting the star, but it won't let me recommend this a trillion times. :(
Agreed, although hopefully someone who writes a resume in this fashion and has the accomplishments to do so also has the ins and the savvy to put the resume in the hands of the person who ultimately makes the decisions, bypassing HR screening....
I don't have anything but anecdotal evidence, but my LinkedIn profile has generated much more contact with recruiters than my resume ever has. It's also very fulfilling to answer the "why do you want to leave your company" question with "I am not actively looking to, but one of your recruiters contacted me, and the…
There are reasonable HR people? (sort of joking)
Except that there are many "one ways" to do a resume, so there's no avoiding this situation. Might as well pick the strategy that makes sense to you and is likely to win over reasonable HR people.
I just remember when she was on that Disney show my little nephews were on and I took my nephews to a taping. She stayed at the end, and said hi to ALL of the kids and signed stuff and took pictures, and when she talked she got down to their level. Her own team had to pull her away hours later. I can't hate.
I think you accidentally described a guy who just graduated from Bro State University and wearing his pin from Kappa Kappa Bro.
Please don't feed the troll.
Oooh. May I?